"--harley, what are you doing here?"

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question mark.
question mark.
question mark.

that was the most accurate way to describe mine and luke's "friendship", or better yet, enemyship. almost every day, at school, luke and i hated each other. you know, we acted normal. then afterward, we'd usually meet up somewhere and hangout. it became close to a regularly day to day thing for us. but other than those few days we hung out, we didn't speak. unless it was for acting class. yeah, that was back on.

i tried to be as flirty toward luke as possible, but it was weird. it made me uncomfortable, especially when he did it back. i guess he forgot i didn't plan to be one of his unforgettable one night stands, and that every time he flirted back, i was that much closer to getting a hot dog cutter and putting it to good use.

this day, luke and i were supposed to meet up at the same park we had when we first started hanging out. it was for nostalgia or some shit he read on twitter.

"c'mon, luke, where are you?" i sighed, rocking back and forth on my heels. if he thought for one second i wouldn't walk back home, he was dumber than i genuinely thought possible.

as i walked over the sad excuse of a bridge at the park, i called luke's phone. each time, no answer. where the fuck are you, rat? i thought to myself, feeling my blood pressure slowly increase from rage. i rang it again just for fun, and this time... no fucking answer.

instead of waiting around, i found my way to the pavilion for a bathroom. you can only hold in three bottles of orange juice in for so long. as i neared the doors for the bathroom, i decided to call again. i don't know why, probably because i myself am a problematic piece of trash, but - that's besides the point. hearing the noise of his phone ring, i grew more mad and anxious. though, throughout this call, i realize i hear a ringtone. not just any ringtone, though. no, it was luke's lame ass poor quality green day ringtone.

i looked around, finding no luke. i gave up, and walked in the bathroom. let's talk about my jaw for a second, shall we? i'm pale. so fucking pale that vampires feel bad for me, so you can imagine my jawline as the same color as all my skin. it was sharp, but not at the same time. none of that really mattered once it dropped so hard it put a hole in the floor.

"luke, what the actual fuck? are you serious right now? what the fuck." i rambled, completely baffled by what i saw in front of me. a woman, obviously older than luke, and luke. together. literally. literally. what an interesting way to be scarred for life.

luke quickly pulled up his pants in a scrambled, looking almost as shocked as me. "harley, what are you doing here?"

"you're serious? you don't know why i'm here, at this scummy ass park? really?" i questioned, and unlike earlier when my blood pressure was slowly increasing, i saw it go through the roof. "you know, luke, i don't care who you fuck, nor when or where you fuck them. but could you at least not to do it where and when we're supposed to be hanging out? wait, my bad, i guess us hanging out wasn't as important as getting your dick wet, right?"

"hey, little missy, this is mine and ryan's spot, so don't-"

"hey, before you finish that sentence, next time you suck his dick, take your dentures out, he'll like that, won't you, ryan?" i said, smirking. luke had no reply, just stood there looking like an idiot along with one of the many golden girls. i took a step back, shaking my head as i smiled. "listen, luke, ryan, whoever the fuck you are, i want you to leave me alone. stay away from me. i'll have mr. el cast someone else for my part, and if you need an escape, i'm sure you can find one in one of mrs. clinton over here's many wrinkles. i don't wanna see you anymore. got it?" i asked before walking out.

"harley, wait," luke screeched, running after me. "if you don't care what or who i do in my life, why don't you wanna see me anymore?"

"what or who you do in your life doesn't matter to me at all, that's not my business. but the fact we had plans today, and you forgot about them all for a quick fuck, at the park you told me was 'our spot', is reason enough to no longer speak to you. it proves you never cared about me, that your escape wasn't that fucking important,"

"that's not-"

"leave me alone, luke. please." i said, looking up at him before walking my way home.

i really don't know what it was, or why i was so upset. i was probably overreacting as always, but when i found him... something in me just wanted to cry, or puke, or something. and it shouldn't even phase me. i know how luke is, i guess the fact he did it at "our" spot of all places, on the very day we were supposed to hangout bothered me. i knew he wanted me to think he cared, but you see - he cared about our weird ass relationship so much he forgot about it. what a fucking toolbelt. this is why i didn't like luke. as a person, a love interest, just someone who's on the planet along side me,

he was a fucking disturbance to mankind.


yo im back at it again w the sucky ass chapters

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b back soooooOOon i promise

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