"--the human equivalency of internet explorer,"

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"do i look alright?" i said to myself, staring at my reflection in the dressing room's mirror. "yes, you do, because you look like a cliché," i groaned, sitting on the small bench.

i looked down at the black skirt that i had on, rolling my eyes. then flickered my eyes up a bit, looking at the black and white striped t-shirt that was tucked into it. i felt so... gross. this wasn't me, at all. but i needed to look like a preppy, i-have-twentytwo-thousand-followers-on-instagram type chick for luke. i needed to impress him. not because i wanted to impress, but because i had to keep him flustered, needed to make him interested in me. and i don't know how far ripped jean, hoodie, white chuck taylored me would get. so i had to turn into a tumblr cliché.

i stood back up, switching my outfits, and putting the clothes back onto their hangers before walking out of the dressing room.

i walked around the store a last time, making sure what i had in my hand was for sure what i wanted. i stopped dead in my tracks, seeing the familiar boy who couldn't keep his hair one same color for more than a week.

before i could even try to hide, he turned around, making total and utterly uncomfortable eye contact with me.

"oh my gosh, harley! i didn't know you shopped anywhere else besides hot topic?" michael muttered sarcastically, walking toward me.

"as if you do?" i questioned, rolling my eyes.

he shook his head, ignoring my response. "look, luke blew us off today for a girl, but he won't tell us who - last time this happened, we found out he was at your house. which it was shocking to find out you don't live in a cave, but that's not the point. i have this eerie feeling he's hanging out with you tonight, so what did you do? give him a sob story? blackmail? why would he ever dare hangout with you?"

"you are the literal human equivalency of internet explorer. good day, rat." i retorted, walking away from him.

he grabbed my arm, tugging me backward. "listen, gage. i don't know what you're trying to do, what game you're trying to play, but i promise you it's not gonna work out. luke wants nothing to do with you, leave him alone."

i huffed, balling my fist before i slung his hand off my arm, turning back around to face him. "listen, clifford. i don't know what the fuck you're trying to do, or prove, frankly i think the hair dye and bleach has just seeped into your brain, or maybe i'm just giving you too much credit," i laughed slightly, walking closer to him. "but what i'm doing isn't your business. neither is luke's. he's his own person, you know? let him have his own life. let me have my own life. luke and i have nothing to do with each other, so do yourself a favor, and leave me the fuck alone." i said, gritting my teeth as i walked away once again, this time leaving michael standing in his own shock.

still, after all these years, i don't understand why a single one of those boys hate me. i guess it's because since i was in the womb i was a better bitch than them a dick. or maybe it was back in first grade when i stole ashton's animal crackers. who knows.

i paid for my stuff, flashing the cashier a small smile before calling luke.

"hello?" luke spoke into the phone. his voice deep and groggy, he must've just woken up.

"hey, luke. i was just letting you know i'm sorry i kinda stood you up at school yesterday, something came up. but would you wanna hangout today, by chance? i'm ready when you are," i said, my voice sounding happy and slightly high pitched.

"it's fine, honestly. no worries. and yeah, i'd love to. should i pick you up at your place, or?" he asked, his tone becoming less tiresome, and more so excited, almost.

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