Love can get fucked

574 11 4

tw: aged up, wine/beer mentions

Noah didn't want to be at this party.

It was the last place he wanted to be, surrounded by people, by couples who were too engrossed with one another. He felt like an outsider at a party that was being thrown for him. Well, for the cast.

He had done the rounds around the important people before leaving the others to socialize. He was done with people trying to introduce him to another person and he'd reached the end of his patience with girls trying to be subtle about their affections towards him.

So he'd grabbed a bottle of beer and disappeared out onto the open balcony that looked over the garden.

He'd thought he was alone till someone sat next to him on the small lounge seat.

"I take it you're trying to get away from the party without being rude?" A soft voice interrupted his thoughts and Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"If you're here to tell me how good we'd be together, please just fuck off." He finally groused out and to his shock, she laughed. His eyes darted to her briefly and he was surprised by the big grin she wore.

"Trust me, I'm the last person to say such a thing. Love can get fucked." The bitterness in her tone made Noah curious before his own memories played and he suddenly realized she must have had a similar experience.

"Here's to love getting fucked then, I don't want anything to do with it anymore." He held up the beer bottle and found himself smirking as she clinked the neck of her beer bottle with his.

"Here's to love getting fucked." She lifted her beer to the skies before taking a long drink.

And for the first time that night, Noah was happy to stay at the party, talking to the girl who shared his disgust towards love.

"I'm Y/N." She'd introduced herself after a while and he chuckled as she held out her hand towards him.

Noah didn't think much of it when he took it and shook it gently.

"Noah." Her grin had shifted into a smirk and he found himself groaning.

"Don't worry, you're still this dude who thinks that love can get fucked. I just like names to faces." She had shrugged, making him raise an eyebrow at her.

"And you don't know my name or face?" The incredulous tone was there, and the smirk turned devious.

"Who said anything about knowing your name or face? I just got dragged to a party and met a lame guy saying how love can get fucked." And for the first time that night, Noah laughed.

"This may be the start of a wonderful friendship." He finally got out once his laughter was under control.

"It's already wonderful if I'm apart of this friendship, Schnapp."

He laughed once more.


Over time, Y/N had become a solid part of his friendship group.

More often than not, he'd receive random texts which were small memes and the caption 'u @ the others' or more often it was pictures of dogs she saw on her own walks.

It hadn't occurred to Noah how often he was texting her, sending back snaps of the others whilst they were filming or just the small things like clips of tv shows he knew she'd seen but would appreciate with him anyway.

But Y/N had noticed. But she'd kept her silence because she saw whenever the boys teased him about being single or how they'd landed themselves dubbed as the 'single crew', he shut down and seemed to hide behind a wall.

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