Oh My gOd ThEy wErE RoOmMaTeS

351 12 4

wow ur so prettyyy

oh and happy fathers day(belated?idk) to harry niall louis liam zayn luke michael calum and ashton bc they played the role of a father in my life better than my dad-

okie so here's roommate!noah. enjoy!!

-okay so you'd always felt close to Noah, after all, he's the one who offered you the apartment.-playing video games together a lot

-him teaching you how to play if you're not really a video game person

-going to talk to him in his room while he's playing something online, as far as you can see they're in the waiting room before the game starts so he has time to talk. you can hear his friends in the background and one of them is like "oooh is that your hot roommate!?" someone else says "ask her out already!"

-Noah fumbles to turn the sound off and turns to you, blushing hardcore.

-"your gaming friends know about me?" you tease.

-"sorry you had to hear that." Noah says, still blushing.

-you ask him the thing you wanted to ask and you turn to leave then stop, turning back and leaning on the doorframe, "so when exactly are you going to ask me out?"

-he almost falls out of his chair-he's a stuttering mess but ends up being like, "tonight maybe? I mean unless you're busy, you're probably busy

-" "tonight works." "yeah?" "yeah."

-you close the door but hear his friends screaming in the background

-"did you just get Noah to ask you out?" Gaten asks. you shrug. he lets out a long sigh, "finally, we've been trying to get him to ask you out for ages." Caleb nods, "that was smooth."

-you and Noah both want opinions on your outfits for the date so Millie and Sadie go from your room to his back and forth with each outfit change-finally Finn is just like "you're both freaking out way too much. you're roommates, you've both seen each other in sweatpants, when you're sick, hell, you've walked in on Noah naked in the bathroom one morning already. it doesn't matter. you both look great just go on your stupid date already!"

-I mean true tho

-you end up just walking around and ending up in a park somewhere just sitting on a bench and talking

-its like almost any other hang out until he's like "can I kiss you?"

-you nod and he just grabs you face

-its a soft kiss, the type of kiss that sucks the air from your lungs and makes you dizzy, the kiss where you pull away smiling and giggling, feeling giddy like its your first kiss in the world

-"wow." "you can say that again.

"-when you both stand up you grab each others hands, more giggling because its the weirdest thing. when something that feels so right has been under your nose without you realizing it. its crazy

-you never really realized it before but he looks at you with such adoration-knowing that this boy loves you

-going back home and ending up playing video games

-"look Y/N I took a bullet for you." "We both died." "yeah but I died first, I can't control what happens after I'm dead!"

-"you look so intense when you play video games." "intense about you!" "that doesn't make any sense." "so?"

-watching something on his computer while in his bed and you end up falling asleep cuddled against him

-he's so soft for you and he doesn't want to wake you up

-waking up in the morning next to him and his hair is sticking up every way but he's still so pretty-pressing a soft kiss to his lips and he wakes up with a smile

-"am I dreaming?" "no." "good."

-staying in bed forever just talking

-"I'm so glad I bumped into you that day." "me too."

-"god what if you never moved in. what if that never happened? life would be so different."

-"it feels like divine intervention or something." "like fate?" "yeah. fate."

but its too late, she believes in fate, she's absolutely smitten, she'll never let u go!! ok i'll stop-

-"we should get up." "no, just a few more minutes. i don't want to let you go."

-because your rooms are next to each others no one notices you both leaving from Noah room.

-but they do notice the staring and the smiling and the blushing

-Finn is the one who is finally just like, "what's going on with you two?" but that sly grin on his face tells you he's already guessed it, besides they all know you went on the date

-Noah is all blushy about it

-i feel like out of all of them, Noah probably needs to most alone time? (maybe Finn but idk) but Noah is down with you two hanging out and not necessarily talking

-chilling on his bed while he games and you're on your computer or your phone-playing music while you chill and if its a song you both love you'll put down your electronics and sing together-you're just so comfortable being together

A/n: THERE WILL BE A PART TWO BUCKEL UP!!!wow i love writing about stuff like this. makes me feel so giddyy hahaha. anywayyysss, so if u want to send in prompts for some blurbs, feel free!!

i love u so much mwah

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