Partners 3

269 13 13

A/n: I honestly am so sorry for delaying this, but someone close to me passed away and I wasn't in the right state of mind to do anything, really..

I shifted, blinking against the very faint sunlight streaming in from my window. Squinting at it, I realized I must have forgotten to shut it last night. My hand blindly searched for my phone at the side table."5:23?" I grumbled, annoyed at my body naturally waking me up at such hours.

I sighed, throwing my covers off as I pushed myself to my feet. Normally, I liked to sleep in a little over the weekend, but obviously that wasn't happening. I might as well get started on the presentation for...with a throb, I remembered that I had to ask Noah for the copy of the document .

Chewing my lip, I padded out of my room. I pulled the door open, yawning as I made my way through the kitchen. Yesterday, Noah had come over. I had an argument with Kaye. We picked Wordsworth...I swear there was something I was forgetting...I remembered exactly what I was forgetting, the moment I walked into my kitchen.

Of course, by then, it was too late.

Noah sat by the dining table, reclining back in his seat. A steaming mug of coffee frozen in the air as he stared at me, eyes wide with surprise. I blinked at him, eyeing his messy, uncombed hair, the faint light dusting his jaw, the wrinkled shirt he'd pulled over his chest, His long legs stretched out in front of him. But at least he was dressed.I felt my face flush as I caught his eyes, flickering down my body, taking in the big loose t-shirt, reaching my thighs – and nothing else.

"Morning." He drawled, eyebrow quirking in amusement, eyes flicking back up.

"Um." I mumbled, my heart slamming against my ribs like it was trying to break out. "Morning."

His lips pursed, like he was trying not to laugh. I watched him place his coffee on the table, and he leaned forward, crossing his arms on the wooden surface.

"Did you sleep well?"My mouth opened – but nothing came out. Like a fish gasping for air, it flapped back closed, before opening again. "Yes." I shot back, my voice clipped, strained. Flustered. Flustered wasn't the word."I did, thanks." I breathed after a second, still waiting for my brain to catch up to reality. I was standing in the kitchen with Noah, wearing nothing but underwear and a loose t-shirt.

"I'll be right back." I managed, before spinning on my heel. Ducking my head, I twisted back out of the kitchen, trying not to run back to my room. It didn't help when I heard Noah's amused chuckle floating after me, and I felt warmth rush up my neck..

Within ten minutes, I was back out, a comfortable pair of sweats and a t-shirt covering me up, my teeth brushed, my hair fixed. I didn't plan on freshening up so early, but...

"Thank you for letting me stay over." He hummed, and I shook my head. Forcing my beating heart to quiet, I pushed the thoughts of the last fifteen minutes out of my head. Just pretend it never happened, y/n. "You're welcome." I mumbled, turning to reach for my own mug. Emma must've made us coffee before she and Sierra headed for work.

"Always-""-happy to help." Noah finished for me, and I glanced at him over my shoulder. I bit my lip, spotting his smirk, and my eyes darted away.

"You always say that when Pearce asks you to do his stupid shit" Noah laughed.

"Well" I started, my nerves finally calming down because of the coffee, "Don't you pay attention to me."

Noah chuckled, standing up and moving towards the kitchen. "Your friend makes great coffee." He said, setting his empty cup on the counter. "I'll tell her you said that," I said, sipping my own drink. "Don't worry" Noah said, turning so he was facing me completely. I quirked my eyebrows, not getting what he meant

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