nothing like the rain

308 13 18

A/N: yes im guilty of using a 5sos lyric for the title sue me. but you know what im also guilty of?? BEING THE BADDEST BITCH THERE IS AND FEELING MYSELF CAUSE GODDAMN ITS MY BIRTHDAY EVERYBODY LOVE ME YEA YEAH YEAH LOOK AT ME GIVE ME MONEY!!!anyways enjoy, love u muah

"We'd prefer people to stay inside as we still don't have a situation over the weather. Trees might fall apart along with cars crashing because of the slippy streets. In case of blackout remember to prepare candles along with warm blankets to survive through the night."

Noah leaned forward with a disappointed look on his face, his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowing. Those weren't the exact news he wished and wanted to hear when turning on the TV for the updates, and he leaned forward to turn down the volume.

He didn't want to listen anymore to it, neither did he believe any of the words leaving past the meteorologists and he smacked the remote against the white coffee table harshly.

This couldn't be true, he thought to himself. The wind outside was harsh, he could observe that but he didn't want to believe in a single moment that it was dangerous. Not that he couldn't face reality because he could. But just the thought of you still being out there left goosebumps all over his arms and his breath hitching in his throat.

Everything was normal when you left in the early morning, he swore he had even seen the sun creep through the light white clouds. Nobody would have expected that the weather would look like this now, storming and almost to the point of creating a blackout.

Noah didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to stand up but he knew that seconds later he would take a seat back on the couch and look at the screen. He couldn't think, he could barely speak and a knot was forming in his throat and ready to choke him.

At first he hadn't taken notice of what was going on. His headphones were plugged to his phone while listening to some old tunes of Smashing Pumpkins, sometimes drumming along to the beat or doing the air guitar while having his feet slumbered on top of the messy coffee table of band magazines and scented candles.

He had looked at the time once, knowing that you would be home at exact eight because you had decided to take an extra shift. But when realizing that now it was almost to the point of past ten he was getting anxious.

You were never the one to be late, never. It was the reason why he was becoming so nervous and he honestly didn't understand where you had headed.

Worst scenarios were crossing his mind to the point of not even being realistic. What if something bad had in fact happened to you on the way home? What if the possibility was there that someone had decided to kidnap you because he was your roommate and the chances were in fact risky.

He almost didn't want to believe any of it and shook his head when standing up from the couch again. You didn't answer your phone after his 20th call within 10 minutes and he headed towards the window to take a look.

Nothing major was going on and he couldn't hear the wind being harsh but the rain was splashing down violently. Sometimes stillness would appear on the street, seconds later broken into a harsh sound of thunder.

He couldn't see a single person on the street despite having the view almost over the whole city. Once or twice he would spot someone walking towards their car with a shaking umbrella, wanting to get into the warmth as fast as possible.

A huge sigh escaped his lips. He had never been as nervous as he was right now and he honestly couldn't handle it. Living with you meant that you were somehow his responsibility even if you were only roommates. It was a part of the codex and he could feel how his heart was beating so hard it was ready to come out of his chest-,

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