stargazing UwU

255 11 2

heres some soft noah U.U

The ringing of her phone made y/n tear her gaze away from the screen and glance at her phone with brows furrowed.

The screen flashed a stupid picture of Noah with a dopey grin spread across his face

A loud bang from the other side made her flinch away before she even uttered the first hello

"I'm coming over"

"What happened?" was what came out as a reply towards the absurd statement

"Chloe broke the lamp"

"Is that why you're coming over?" Y/n picked at her best friends, hands flying over to fiddle with her pen and eyebrows relaxing for the first time in 3 hours.

"Wha- yeah, yeah, open your door" Noah replied, out of breath as a loud ringing of the bell filled the empty house

Y/n sighed, standing up in defeat and ending her call.

Unlocking the door, she was met with a slightly flushed and damp version of her best friend.

"Oh, you're completely soaked" Y/n sighed as she let Noah inside, locking the door behind him, rain nearing a stop. How he had got so soaked running barely a block, she didn't know

"Completely might be an overstatement" Noah replied as he made himself comfortable on the couch.

"Noah, you're not spoiling the couch, get up and dry yourself in my bathroom, I'll get you some clothes."

Noah sighed as he half-heartedly walked up to Y/n's room, catching her manuvering through her wardrobe for spare clothing.

Noah was surprised to find one of Y/n's oversized loki tee and his pair of sweats sprawled out on her bed.

Concentrating on her laptop, she didn't pay Noah attention as she reminded him that his mum came over yesterday to chat and had taken his clothes while leaving. As much as she loved Noah's graphic tees, she couldn't complain, Noah's clothing had been covering more than half of her wardrobe lately. The grey sweatpants had remained behind apparently because it was in the laundry.

Y/n missed the first time Noah called out to her, so he tapped her on the shoulder, already logging in to netflix from her account on the TV.

Y/n gave Noah a distracted hum and when her eyes flickered over because of the large "duh-dum", she questioned the guy on how he knew her netflix password, to which he had just winked.



"What do you want to watch?"

another hum

Noah sighed, knowing this wouldn't get him anywhere. heck, he could've asked her to watch stranger things and she would've hummed away her consent (and the leftover sanity)

freeing his arms from the back of his head, he reached out to shut y/n's mac.

"Noah! I was working on that!"

Okay, so that might've been a bad idea, you seemed genuinely angered.

"I called you 3 hours ago and you were working. Did you take a break?"

Y/n sighed, restarting her laptop, avoiding eye contact. " I have two presentations to make, Noah"

Noah, however, kept staring."That doesn't answer my question, Chipmunk"

When Y/n didn't attack him on the apparently "disgusting" (in her views, of course) name he called to tease her, he decided to act on his plan.

"You're overworked" He said

Y/n looked up, with eyes that basically screamed

"Hell yes, I want to die", but instead what came out of her mouth was an apology.

"I'm sorry Noah, you can put on some movie, I'll work while watching it"

Noah pressed his lips into a thin line.

He switched the TV off and shut her laptop once again, oops

She was annoyed again, his plan could go either way now. he just hoped, his creation wasn't soaked, it being under a kind of shed had to earn him some points.

Before she could start with her banter, Noah grabbed Y/n's hand, forcing her to climb off of the bed and basically dragging her upstairs on the terrace.

He chose to ignore the comments for his own good.

Earlier in the morning, when him and chloe had stopped by, they had managed to create a somewhat decent tee pee upstairs with Y/n's brother. They had tried to convince Y/n to drop her online Biology class and join them, but of course she had declined.

The entire group didn't understand how studying genes about some pea plant- and that too for 4 consecutive hours- could possibly be more appeasing than building a tee pee.

So, Noah had decided he'd bring Y/n there later that day after tricking Chloe and Y/n's brother to go somewhere else. What? could you blame him for wanting some time alone?

Y/n's banter had been cut off after the tent had come into view. Now she was just standing there, a small smile creeping up on her face, glowing in the faint moonlight. Thank god the rain hadn't done any major damage

And when she whipped her head towards him and engulfed him into a bone crushing hug, he decided then and there, that bunking the cast had paid off.


After an hour of Noah's head being stuffed with random constellations and greek and norse mythology-courtesy to y/n- the pair had settled into a comfortable silence. Y/n was tucked under Noah's left arm as his fingers played with her hair, eyes still gazing up at the starry night. A not-so-subtle glance at her and he could already see the gears in her head turning, connecting the stars with another norse mythology with the hint of an excited smile on her lips.

Noah was feeling rather proud of himself. He managed to relax his overwhelmed best friend AND got some time alone with her while stargazing, best thing ever, if you ask him.

Both of their eyes were closed now, their breathing even as Y/n turned on her side, her hands fisting into Noah's- or rather, her own- tee. the pair failing to understand how intimate they were right here, right now, because being friends since childhood, all they had known was affection, being so touch oriented with each other from the start

Maybe one day, one of them would come to their senses, finally realizing that friends don't really look at friends that way.


hi <3
im back hehe. hope u liked it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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