Partners 2

335 15 14

a/n- this is "Haunted Library pt 2" only but i changed the name lol

A slight noise woke me up from my afternoon nap. I forced my eyes shut, trying to fall back into the nice comfortable feeling of being dead.

Another thud told me that my plans were ruined. I groaned, a hand flying up to massage my throbbing temple.

"Duke? Honey is that you?" I called out to my dog, expecting a bark, but it didn't come.

I furrowed my eyebrows. My roommates aren't home, I'd ushered them to go shopping so that I could work on my project.


I was met with silence. Duke always answered my calls. This never happened before.

Worry had me getting out of my bed in a flash in nothing but an oversized panic! At the disco t-shirt.

"Duke? honey, where are you?" I needed to stop talking to Duke as if he could understand me. It freaked the girls out.

I quickly padded down the stairs, only to be met with a faint bark. I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding and color finally returned to my face.

I glanced up when I heard a soft thud – that sounded like it came from outside? "Duke?" I called out, my eyes flicking to the door between the living room and the kitchen. When his chubby little body didn't come waddling in, I glanced at the time. Woah, I frowned. It's 8 already, I ended up sleeping for almost 2 hours and for some reason, I still felt sleepy. With a wince on my lips, I padded to the kitchen. I flicked on the light, but I couldn't see much outside with it reflecting against the window. Slipping on a pair of sneakers, I pushed the sliding door the rest of the way open, letting the light filter through behind me...

And almost had a heart attack. "What the f-" I cried, jumping back into the kitchen. In the middle of the lawn, petting an extremely joyful Duke, sat a dark-clothed figure

"Who the fuck are you?" I managed, hand still on my chest, trying to calm down my thumping heart.

"Oh" The guy looked up. "Hi Y/n. your dog is really cute" He said, ruffling Duke's fur, Duke obviously enjoying the attention

"Noah?" I squinted, trying to make out his face because of the dimming lights. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for the project" He shrugged, getting up.

I gaped at him. Was he drunk? "You're in my backyard." I reminded him

He cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows as if he didn't understand me.

"Dude you broke into my house." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

Noah's mouth formed a little 'o' like he just connected the dots.

"Right! You weren't opening the door." He shrugged like he didn't just jump a six foot wall. "Can I come in? It's kind of cold."

"Yeah, sure" I said, side stepping to give him space to come inside, Duke happily trotting at his feet. I shut the door behind them.

"I wasn't opening the door so you jumped a six foot wall?" I questioned, turning around.

"What?" He smirked. "Like it's hard?" I shook my head at his overly- excited mood.

"Were you sleeping?" Noah asked, gesturing to my wrinkled t-shirt. I suddenly became aware of my appearance. Disheveled, messy hair and nothing but an oversized t-shirt and fuzzy socks wasn't exactly how I planned to meet Noah, even if it was only for the project.

"Yeah, just give me a minute, I'll be back." I managed, ducking and turning around to hide my red face. "Make yourself at home!" I cried as I jogged upstairs.

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