Tutoring session

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bro idk what this it so don't attack me. Its kinda a blurb for a request. I'll probably make one more part for this eh. Okie tata, ilysm mwah <3

request by anon : hi! could u do something like where you're Noah's best friend and ur there to tutor him or something? like I'm rlly craving fluff lmao. and i go by she/ they/them (mostly they/them) so if u could use these pronouns, that would be amazing!! thank uuuu

^thank u anon! ily!

"For the last time Noah, the discriminant is root under b^2-4ac!"

"It doesn't include dividing by 2a?"

"God, no! If we divide it by 2a, then that would practically be the whole Quadratic formula!"

An exasperated sigh left Noah's lips as he slumped formad on the desk, burying his face in his hands.

"Can we please take a break?" Noah asked, without lifting his head

"Noah, you've barely completed 3 questions." Y/n sighed. "Listen, if we complete this chapter by tonight, I'll let you use those pretty pens to take notes in the next class."

Noah's head snapped up. "Really?" he asked, childlike excitement on his face

"yes. achoo! but only if we achoo! do the chapter by tonight."

Noah groaned at his best friend's words.

"You should rest, Y/n '' Noah said in a softer tone, his words soft but hiding the fact that he needed to rest. Too bad, Y/n had a sixth sense for his habit.

Y/n rubbed their nose on a tissue, throwing it away afterwards.

"Don't try to play me Noah, I've known you for 10 years."

"That's impossible, 2 exercises into this chapter and I still don't get the Quadratic Formula '' Noah whined, his head falling back into its previous position.

Y/N understood there was no way in hell Noah would do the exercises now. Maybe a little break could help. With a huff, they pushed their pen inside the notebook and closed it. The sound made Noah look up.

"Quit your whining, we're taking a break."

"OH, finally!" Noah says, dramatically throwing his hands up in the air and pushing away from the counter.

Plopping himself down on the couch, Noah asked, "What do you want to watch? Comedy, horror, or-"

Y/n cut him off before he could convince them. "Dude, this is a 20 minute break, you're not done for today."

Noah furrowed his eyebrows "But it's 10 already?"

Y/n plopped down beside her best friend, unlocking her phone before answering. "You don't want to study Maths, that's okay, you can read Physics instead."

"But that's just like Maths, with extra unnecessary stuff!"

Y/n tried their best to ignore Noah, but his constant nagging and begging made it harder. 10 minutes into the conversation, that consisted of Noah trying to explain how useless math was, they gave up.

"Okay fine!" Y/n interrupted Noah who was going off about why someone would want 379 watermelons unless it's Harry Styles, which is weird even for him.

"You're done for the day, but I still have my language test tomorrow, So I'll be in your room."

"What? Come on Y/n, don't be such a killjoy." Noah voiced his opinions, getting up from the couch, adamant on wanting his bestie to watch something with him.

Y/n collected all her books, shifting them in one hand and aimlessly scrolling through her phone with the other.

"I'm not trying to be a killjoy Noah, this test is really important for me." They said, making their way upstairs.

"Wha- Okay wait, I'M also coming up." Noah interjected, making his way to the staircase


"It's my room. And I changed my mind so now I'll play Minecraft. (this is my Dream smp persona taking over pls-)

Y/n said nothing, shaking her head as they climbed.

Noah, on the other hand, would do anything possible to spend more time with his crush, even if it meant they were studying and he was playing.

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