16 - See you later pt 1

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AN - hello! I recently started a new job last week and haven't written much while I settled into the job but I felt really bad about not giving you an update and thought I'd give you a mini chapter as a consolation (and a thank you for reading and sticking with this book this far!) until I finish writing the next full chapter! I am also glad that last chapter was received really well and that the 'spice' was enjoyed, I loved reading your comments about it! and if youre wondering, will there be more 'spice'? well, I guess youll just have to keep reading //winkwink//

Thank you for reading and for voting and commenting, I'm really glad that you are enjoying my writing, please enjoy this mini fluffy chapter with a full -maybe spicy- chapter on its way soon. Take care!


You woke the nextday to the morning light entering your room, your vision hazy as you blinked against the pale light.

You felt a pair of arms tighten around your waist, the realisation that Childe was still in your bed bringing you flashbacks from the night before. The memory bringing a blush to your cheeks.

"Are you awake?" you asked softly.

"Mhm" he hummed in responce "did you sleep well?" he asked, his breath tickling your skin.

"Uhm, yeah" you nodded "so, what happens now? last night was just a 'one off', right?"

He sighed "last night meant more than kissing you for the sake of kissing you, you know. If I wanted it to be a 'one off' captain frostbites appearance wouldn't have stopped me from finishing what I started, and, I wouldn't still be here"

You nodded "right" you moved your hands, placing them over Childes arms that were wrapped around your waist. The warmth of his arms feeling oddly natural. "I'm glad, then"

"A relationship wouldn't be easy, though" he murmered "with me being a Fatui harbinger and you being someone who beats up Fatui agents-"

"That was partially your fault!" you protested "I wouldn't have had to beat them up if you hadn't sent them after me!"

He chuckled lightly, his hand moving from your waist to trace lightly over the small scar left on your upper arm from the fight "you're right, I'm sorry. Promise me you won't get into any more fights with the fatui"


"If you continue to fight them, eventually it'll fall on the shoulders of a harbinger to take care of you" he warned coldly "I won't be able to help you if that happens, especially if its me they ask"

You felt a pit appear in your stomach at the thought that the Fatuis wishes and whims would take priorty to Childe over you, even if it meant removing you from the picture he would have no choice but to follow those orders without question. If you didn't fight the agents of the Fatui anymore then surely they would have no reason to issue such an order, right?

"Okay, I won't. Unless-"

"No unless!" Childe immediently interupted. His position shifted quickly, his arms leaving you before his hand gripped your shoulder, moving you onto your back as he stared down at you "you stay out of fatui business, and if they ever give you trouble, I'll handle it. Dont get involved"

His eyes were serious as he stared down at you, you nodded. His expression softened at your agreement and he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. A soft, innocent kiss that contrasted to the kisses you had exchanged the previous night. It was nice.

"I need to go" you sighed as the short kiss ended. Childe immediently groaned in annoyance at your words. In a childish manner, he flopped over the top of you, laying across your body with his full weight in order to trap you in the bed. You let out a giggle "I need to go, they need me to help with this monster issue"

"But I want you to stay here" he muttered, his blue eyes looking at you pleadingly through messy strands of ginger hair "I still have to convince you to like me"

"You saw those monsters, they need all the help they can get, and besides I'm pretty sure I just agreed to date you, isn't that enough for now?"

"No" he sulked.

"Well you can convince me to like you all you want later, but right now, I really need to go" you tried to shove him from you but his sulking position was superiour to your strength as you struggled to even make him budge a little.

"Do you mean that?" he asked "if you promise to let me convince you all I want later, I'll get off you" he barginned.

You saw the mischevious smirk appear on his face, and despite the voice in your head telling you you absolutely should not trust that smirk your lungs were starting to protest his weight and were begging you to agree to anything if it meant they would be filled with air once more "I promise! later, all you want!"

His weight suddenly lifted from you and you were able to roll out of bed without resistance. He lay on the bed looking up at you as you immediently started with your morning routine. Once you were in some fresh clothing and had taken care of your hygeine needs, you secured your trusty sword to your hip and pulled on your boots.

"I'll be back this evening, you should stay and rest as Barbara ordered" you instructed. He hadn't moved from the bed while you had been getting ready, but upon being told to remain in the bed he dramatically flopped back into the sheets, making a noise of annoyed reluctance. You smiled at his cute behaviour, this was the Childe you liked "goodbye, Childe"

"Good luck" he waved as you exited the room, flashing a grin before the door closed as he added "I'll see you later, o/jou-chan~"

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