21 - At the Tavern

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You all settled into the tavern, resting your muscles as you all enjoyed your various choice of beverage, all of you thankful for the hydration.

Amber excused herself after finishing her drink to report everything to the acting grand master Jean, and to get a head start on the report, reminding Kaeya to start on his soon -though, by his casual 'I'll do it, don't worry', you could tell he had no intention on starting that report this side of the sunrise-.

You noticed Childe suddenly tense up as he sat next to you at the bar, his eyes focused on something outside the window. His behivour was similar to how he would act when he was pulled away for business back in Liyue.

He gave you a smile as he noticed you staring, offering you a sheepish lopsided grin as he said "there's something I need to see to, you stay and enjoy your drink"

You nodded, expecting that to be that, but you were surprised when his finger hooked beneath your chin, his other hand carressing your cheek as he pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss. Stunned by his sudden public display you hesitated to respond.

He smirked at your surprised expression as he ended the kiss as quickly as he had started in, and left the tavern.

You turned, seeing Venti quickly looking away and trying to remove the disapproving frown from his face before he spoke "looks like you two are getting along quite well"

"Yeah, you could say that" you said, heat flushing your cheeks as the memories of your recent interactions came to mind "I know you said he was bad news but-"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me" he assured "if this is- if he is what you want, then it is not my place to stop you. Just keep in mind that he's not like others here"

"Not like others? isn't that usual a good thing?"

"Like I said, it's not my place to stop you" Venti offered you a small smile "but I'm happy to write a mean-spirited ballad about him anytime"

You laughed lightly, appreciating his unique way of telling you that he would be here should something go wrong between you and your fatui lover. You noticed that a troubled expression seemed to cloud Ventis eyes as he looked away from you, prompting you to ask "is something wrong?"

"Heh, it's nothing" he attempted to laugh it off, but your concerned look made him re-think his answer "actually . . I think he's planning something, Childe, I mean"

"Planning something?"

"I know I said I wouldn't get involved with your choices when I left you in Liyue, but I feel that whatever he is cooking up is bigger than my mistrust of him"

You frowned in thought "Childe asked me to promise not to interfer with the fatuis business as if the Tsaritsa was to issue the order to kill me for my interferance then he would have no choice but to follow her orders"

Venti nodded slowly "the Fatuis methods may be unnecessary and often violent, but their loyalty to their archon is unquestioned, and quite admirable, really"

"Answer me this, then, Traveler" Kaeya spoke up, obviously having been listening to your conversation "what's better, one death? or thousands?"

"Kaeya! you can't say such things!" Venti chided "the lifes of those in Teyvat is not their responsibilty-"

"Right, because the archons are taking such good care of their people" Kaeya retored, the two staring each other down briefly "afterall, what are the gods doing to stop him?"

"Stop it, you two" you interrupted, waiting until they both gave you their attention before asking "what do you mean, Kaeya? and Venti, what do you know?"

Venti shook his head as a refusal to answer your question only stating "I can only assist you if you fix the problem while the problem is in Mondstadt, but if I tell you more, you will be on your own" he turned to you with pleading eyes "please don't pry into this any further"

"Here" Kaeya reached across the bard to hand you something. You held your hand open beneath his as he dropped a small fatui badge into your hand, the very same badge that you had collected from the fatui members you had run into on your way to Liyue "you'll find your answer in Liyue, but the decision to ask the question is yours"

You looked between the two of them, Kaeya not giving off any definite expression though a small interested gleam danced in his visible eye at what you may decide, while Venti sat with his hands folded in his lap, silently looking ahead before murmering "stay, and let me help"

You look to the badge nestled in your palm. You came to this world for a reason, right? there were too many questions you needed answered. You curled your fingers around the badge in determination as you made your decision and stood from your chair, thanking Venti for the drink as you started towards the door.

"Traveler, wait!" Venti called out as you reached for the door. You paused, waiting for him to continue. He sighed "what you saw today was their practice round . . . be careful"

With those final words, you left the tavern.

Travelers Handy Sword - Genshin Impact Childe X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now