53) Of Second Steps

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Date: January 1st
Time: 7:03pm
Location: Y/n's apartment, the kitchen table
Mood: Dogs are better than people

With his entrance, Taehyung became the star of the show.

Clearly Y/n's family weren't accustomed to having animals around because Taehyung's wolf was instantly popular. Everyone except for Y/n sprung from their chairs to greet this 'good boy' (as he was quickly dubbed) and gave him all their attention.

Eventually even Y/n couldn't stop from petting him. He was so pretty! His top coat the color of caramel and his belly and chest a soft white. Her dad gave him a plate full of meat, which no one objected to. As far they were concerned, the dog could have anything it wanted.

"I wuv you!" Rosie pronounced her love him exactly 4.0 seconds after meeting him and wrapping her arms around his neck for a hug.

"Does he do tricks?" Seo-Joon asked.

"No-" Y/n and Jimin answered, just as Tae put a paw in Rosie's hand for a shake.

From there he ate three plates of food. At each one the humans gave Jimin the side eye for 'starving' this 'dog', and Jimin was growing more irritated with his best friend. Everything had been going so well. Did he have to waltz in here and steal his thunder? He had been making a good impression, but now they thought he was an irresponsible pet sitter.

Tell mate to stop petting him.

Wolfy whined loudly every time Y/n would touch Tae's wolf. She didn't know it but that was a huge hit to Wolfy's ego. But that wasn't their only problem. Jimin's friend had basically exposed himself to a room of humans. Technically this was against the rules, but Jimin wasn't going to tell if Taehyung wasn't. Even if he wanted to punch his best friend's stupid, furry head. She wasn't supposed to touch him at all, let alone in wolf form. It was too intimate.

They hated it.

"I think it's time we left." He said loudly enough to be heard over the baby talk Taehyung was being made to endure. Not that he seemed to mind. In fact, the fool was soaking it up. A wolfish grin on his face made that evident.

In answer he was met with pushback from the apparent animal lovers of the room. Mr Yoon was about to make a forth plate of food for him. Seo-Joon was scratching his back and Rosie was putting a crown on his head. But Jimin pressed on, insisting that he had to get the 'dog' back to his 'owner'. Even Y/n looked sad. He wasn't going to think about the violent emotions he felt at that.

Finally he was out the door, turning for one last glance of his mate before leaving down the elevator. It was unfair how much he missed her already.

But if he thought he would get away that easily, he was mistaken. After shoving the large form of Taehyung into the backseat (who he could swear was laughing at him) and getting into the drivers seat, Seo-Joon knocked at the window. Needless to say, he really did not want to have this confrontation.

But he also didn't want to look like a wuss in front of Y/n's brother. With apprehension he rolled the window down. His tongue tied as he scoured his mind for the best thing to say.

"Yes?" Taehyung's chin came to rest on his shoulder as he too looked at his mate's brother. It helped to calm his nerves, as it reminded him that he wasn't alone.

"The only reason you aren't dead right now is because you brought a dog." Seo-Joon said gruffly. His eyes softened as they moved to Taehyung and his hand moved forward the slightest bit, as though he intended to pet him. However, he seemed to think better if it and pulled back to fix him with a glare. "I'm watching you. Treat my little sister like a queen, or else you're gonna look real stupid picking your teeth up off the floor with two broken arms."

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