26) Of Wolves and Patience

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Date: November 14th
Time: 4:48pm
Location: The Forest
Mood: Morose


The late autumn sunshine shone down in streams from in-between the partially bare trees of the forest, creating a kaleidoscope of colors on the forest floor. On pack lands this area was safe for them to roam when their wolves needed a release. It wasn't often for most wolves, maybe twice a month did their need to be let out become great. Not shifting wasn't an option. That was like telling a human never to stand up and stretch. Unhealthy, dangerous.

As of late, Jimin's wolf had become more restless and needed letting out at least twice a week. Finding his mate was the best thing to ever happen to him. But it was also one of the hardest. Y/n was human and delicate and unaware of the supernatural world existing right in front of her. While Jimin wanted to jump right in and act fast, his wolf knew that wasn't the right course of action.

The way he had heard other wolves talk about the connections to their mates had been described like a thread, or a cord tethering them together. When it came to him and his Y/n, that description felt inaccurate. Between them and surrounding the two was a river. A gentle, unmoving river. Cool in nature and stable, but dangerous all the same. That water could swallow him up, but only if he stepped too far into it. Missing was a bridge and one was currently under construction, but it was taking time.

But they were soulmates. So while Y/n was unsure and needed time and adjustment, he was patient and methodically worked on building that bridge from the ground up.

Yet even so, the human side of him was not so patient, and that made him antsy. He had to get out and needed to feel in control or that side of him would drive him crazy. They were one in the same but their mate affected both.

That was how he'd come here. Whenever he came out, Taehyung's wolf would come out as well to accompany him. All of his fellows were important to him, but he and this particular wolf clicked on a different level.

Jimin's wolf was never the hunter type. Maybe it was the moon goddess's humor at work: making him more prone to observe small beings than to attack them. Definitely a good thing.

That was where he was at now, hiding in the underbrush and observing a furry rabbit creating a new den for itself. It's small stature reminded him of his mate and he whined at the thought of her, causing the creature to stand in alarm and scan the area for potential predators. Even that reminded him of Y/n. She was always checking her surroundings to see if anyone was watching. He wondered if she was aware of that habit.

Without waiting to see if it was in danger, the rabbit took off for safety anyway and he watched it go, sad that it was leaving.

A long nose belonging to Taehyung's wolf nudged at his head, sniffing at an ear to see if he was alright. Like his human side, this wolf's visuals were no joke. A soft caramel color trailed over his head, back and halfway down his legs. From his chest, the underside of his tail and his paws, he was an off white. He was the longest in length, but not the tallest as Hoseok's wolf dwarfed them all in that area. Their human sides often referred to Taehyung's as the prettiest, though their wolves didn't put much thought into that.

Taehyung's wolf was very mischievous. Although Jimin's didn't share that trait, he did watch his schemes with amusement. Like when Namjoon was still in the early relationship stages with his mate. Every time they would try to kiss, Taehyung and his wolf found it highly amusing to interrupt at the last second, thus putting off this moment and making Namjoon's wolf more and more agitated. Jungkook had even joined in on the running joke later on.

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