Part 1

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Hello everyone! I am so stoked that you decided to read my story! I will try to post once a day. Note that this story isn't very long but I am also working on another that will be hopefully much longer than this one! Thank you and enjoy!

There you were, standing next to your twin brother, Draco Malfoy, in the Malfoy Manor about to apparate to Platform 9 3/4 with your parents. You stood still and nervous with sweaty palms. You took a deep breath and took Draco's hand that he held out to you. You closed your eyes and before you knew it you were at the platform and felt somewhat nauseous.

You looked around in awe, taking a few steps forward. You looked at all the people, the owls, the train, everything. Just as you took another step forward you bumped into someone.

"Oh- I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." You spouted, nervously looking down.

You looked up and saw a fairly tall boy with brown hair, green eyes, round glasses, and a tiny scar upon his forehead.

Your mouth opened slightly and the only thing that came out of your mouth was a quiet, "Harry Potter..." followed by a gulp.

He looked at you, confused at the worried expression on your face.

Before he could say anything you slightly whispered, "I-I have to go."

You grabbed all of your stuff and quickly boarded the train.

You eventually found Draco in a compartment with Blaise and Pansy (you know them because they always came to the manor) and sat next to Draco.

Draco looked at you slightly mad and asked, "Why were you talking to that Pottah?"

Your head quickly turned to him, "What? Oh um, no I wasn't talking to him. I just bumped into him, that's all."

He rolled his eyes, "Cluts. Watch where you walk next time."

You stood up angrily, "You know what, maybe 'PoTtAh' will be nicer to me than you are." You mocked how he said "Pottah" and walked out to find Harry's compartment.


After a little bit of looking, you finally found him sitting with a ginger haired boy who was stuffing his face with candy and a brunette girl who was engaged in a book.

You slowly opened the door and kindly said, "I'm sorry about earlier, may I sit with you?"

All three heads turned to face you.

"Oh, of course, and don't worry about earlier." Harry said with a smile.

You returned the smile and sat next to the girl who had set her book down. She instantly spoke up.

"I'm Hermione Granger, and that's Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. What's your name?"

You gulped, "Oh, um, I'm Y/n."

Harry looked curious, "Hey Y/n, what's you're last name?"

You looked down in embarrassment and mumbled, "Malfoy. I'm Y/n Malfoy."

All of their eyes had grown wide and you just kept your head down.

All of a sudden, the door opens and you look up. Before you were two tall, ginger haired male twins, one of which caught your eye immediately. You felt your face starting to grow red and quickly looked back down, but Hermione saw.

"Hey gu- who's this?" One of the twins asked.

"This is Y/n, she's new. Maybe you guys could show her around after the sorting." Hermione blurted.

You looked at her with wide eyes and she just smiled.

"Yeah, sure." They said at the same time.

You sighed and mumbled, "Great.."

I hope you enjoyed this first part and I won't take up much more of your time. It would mean a lot to me if you could give your feedback in the comments and correct any mistakes I would've made. Brutal honesty is always welcome as long as there is not hate. Thank you once again!

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now