Part 7

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You pulled out of the kiss and turned to Draco with a grin.

"See ya later, big bro." You said, grabbing Fred's hand and exiting the castle, leaving Draco speechless.

You got outside and turned around with a huge smile.

"That was..amazing! Today was the first day I'd ever stood up to him. It felt incredible!" You cheered with a sigh and chuckle.

"Oh yeah? Was that the only iNdEsCrIbAbLy InCrEdIbLe thing?" Hermione teased, mocking you.

You looked at her confused. She looked at yours and Fred's still interlocked hands. You looked at your hand and your eyes grew wide as you quickly pulled your hand away. You laughed nervously and tried to change the subject.

"So, um, hogsmead right? Let's go."

You turned and started walking when you realized no one else was.

You stopped and, without turning around, said, "Well come on, I'm not going by myself."

They all laughed and started walking.

When you got there you all decided to go to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeer.

You picked a table with six seats. On one side, you sat between Fred and George, and on the other Hermione sat between Harry and Ron. You all sat and talked for hours. At one point, Fred discretely rested his hand on your knee/lower thigh and slightly rubbed your thigh with his thumb. You smiled and looked down. With that little touch, you felt a sense of happiness and protection. You and Fred also managed to both sneak away alone together without the others noticing and became official.


After being there for a few hours, you guys headed back for lunch. On the way to the Great Hall you got a lot of weird looks. You figured it was about what happened in the morning so you brushed it off.

You were sad to part with the others, but you couldn't sit at the Gryffindor table. You looked over at the Hufflepuff table and saw the tall brunette boy from the common room.

You walked over to him, "May I sit here?"

"Oh um, s-sure." He stuttered.

You smiled warmly and sat down next to him.

He took a quick breath and turned to you, "I just- I want to apologize for how I acted this morning. If you don't mind, I'd like to start over. I'm Cedric DIggory."

He held out his hand for you to shake.

You shook his hand, "I'm Y/n Malfoy, and don't worry about it."

You and Cedric talked all lunch and you shared many laughs. You caught Fred looking at you a few times. He looked kinda jealous, but he tried to hide it. Not gonna lie, it was pretty cute, too.

Cedric noticed and asked, "So, are you and Fred dating?"

Your head quickly turned to him, like so quickly it hurt your neck.

"What? No, we're just friends." You lied.

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Then why's everyone saying you kissed him?"

"W-what?" You stuttered.

"Yeah, this morning in front of Malfoy." He explained.

You released the breath you didn't realize you were holding, "Oh, yeah I was proving a point."

He shook his head, "Oh, and sorry about Malfoy by the way. He never should've started those rumors about you."


Plot twisttttt! Lol anyways, thank you for continuing to read this far! Let me know what you think! Brutal honesty is always welcome as long as there is no hate! Have an indescribably incredible (haha see what I did there) day/night!

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