Part 2

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The twins left and you gave Hermione a look. She chuckled and the boys looked at you both confused.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked.

You looked at Harry, "Trust me, it's not funny.

The rest of the train ride there you all talked and had a good time.

When you got there you said, "Wow, it's huge."

Hermione nudged your shoulder, "I uh, I think Malfoy's waiting for you."

She pointed over to where Draco stood with his friends waiting for you. Your smile slightly dropped as you saw his face grow angry.

"I'll see you guys later." You said before giving them hugs.

They all said "bye" and you went over to Draco. His arms are crossed and his eyes showed anger.

"Really, Y/n? You just had to go and hang out with the wrong sort, didn't you?" He scolded.

You scoffed, "Are you serious? When are you gonna learn that a person is just that, a person? It doesn't matter their blood status, or how much money they have, or anything else. Maybe, if you got your head out of your ass, you would see that."

You didn't care that people all around were staring at you. You just got your stuff and walked away toward the school, leaving Draco and his friends behind.

You walked inside and met Dumbledore in the hall outside of the Great Hall.

"Y/n Malfoy, we're pleased to have you. Your sorting will take place after the first years." Dumbledore explained.

"Alright, thank you, headmaster." You replied with a smile.


The first years got sorted and it was now your turn. You were sitting down with Harry, Ron, and Hermione since you were still mad at Draco when Professor McGonagall called you to the stage. You nervously made your way to the stage and sat on the stool. McGonagall put the sorting hat on your head, and you slightly jumped as it began to speak.

"Another Malfoy, I see. Ahh very interesting. This is very difficult. You're cunning and ambitious, and very brave with a slight need to prove yourself. Very loyal and hard working, always willing to be patient to get what you want. What'll it be, what'll it be?"

As the hat spoke you got more and more nervous. Your palms began to sweat and your legs began to shake. After a short pause the hat continued to speak..

"Better be... HUFFLEPUFF!"

Everyone was shocked, including yourself. Your eyes widened, filling with tears of fear as you looked at Draco. Time seemed to move very slowly as you saw Draco's face turn a mixture of anger, confusion, and disappointment. Everyone else's talking and clapping was quieted and blocked out as you heard the sound of your heart beat in your ears go faster and faster, and your breathing unsteady and quick.

You ran out of the Great Hall, tears now pouring down your face. You leaned against a wall and covered your face with your hands, trying to process what just happened.

"Hey, are you okay? It's Y/n right?" A voice suddenly asked.

You lowered your hands, revealing your red and puffy face covered in tears. In front of you were the ginger haired twins from earlier on the train.

You quickly wiped your tears and put on a fake smile, "Y-yeah I'm fine, and yes it's Y/n."

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now