Part 15

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You followed Ron's gaze and saw none other than your father, Lucius Malfoy.

"Bloody hell, can't I just have one good day?" You said with a sigh.

"Wait, is that Malfoy with him? Why are they going into that classroom?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. You guys stay here, I'm gonna go see if I can hear what they're saying." You said walking toward the classroom.

You hid by the door close enough to hear, but not too close that you can get caught.

"Did you do it, Draco?" You heard your dad ask.

Draco replied, "Yes father, I told her exactly what you said to, but she wont listen."

Who are they talking about?  You thought to yourself.

"Well do better. If she doesn't stop hanging out with those Weasley's and that mudblood then I will disown her. She will disgrace this family no longer!" Your father seethed.

Well that explains it, they're talking about me. Of course. You thought and rolled your eyes to yourself.

"But father, they make her happy, and she's still my twin. I can't keep hurting her like this." Draco shakily said.

"You will do what I say, boy! Don't talk back to me!" Your father said with a hint of disgust in his voice.

You were stunned by what you just heard. Draco defended you? He never defended you, not once in his life. Did he really not want to hurt you? Did he really do all of those things because your father told him to? You quietly walked back to your dorm with many thoughts swirling around in your head.

You got to your dorm and were startled to see everyone there.

"Hey, what's wrong, Y/n?" Luna asked.

"It's Draco he- he's protecting me." You sighed, still trying to process what you'd just heard.


You just got done telling them everything. You cried a little bit but were mostly able to contain yourself.

"Wow." Ginny said.

"Wait, so this whole time Malfoy's been trying to help you by scaring you into not being friends with us?" Harry asked, still processing.

All of a sudden you realized, "Oh my Merlin- Fred if this is how he acts now how's he gonna react when-"

"When what?" Cedric cut you off.

You and Fred looked at each other and mad eye contact.

You sighed, "We have to tell them. I mean, I was afraid of my father finding out but if anything happens then maybe they can help."

Fred nodded and tried to hide a smile.

You looked back at the others nervously, "You see um, I, we-"

Fred cut you off and blurted in excitement, "We're dating!"

"You're WHAT?!" All the girls yelled at the same time.

You fake pouted, "Hey, I wanted to tell them."

Fred pulled you to sit next to him, "Sorry I cut you off, love. I just got excited."

"LOVE?!" All the girls screamed again.

Your face turned red and you looked down smiling before turning to Fred and snuggling close to him.

"Girls, may I present to you the so called 'mystery guy' from the tiktok video." You chuckled and put your arms around Fred.

"OH. MY. GOSH.!" The girls squealed in unison.

"Wait, you've been secretly dating? Since when? For how long?" Oliver asked.

You and Fred looked at each other once again. You turned back to the others with a smile.

"Since my first day here. And trust me, it's been so hard keeping this secret from all you guys. It's just, with my dad and Draco acting how they did, I didn't want to risk it." You said.

"You've been dating for a month and a half?!" Hermione's eyes went wide.

Fred cut in, "Okay well technically our first kiss was on her first day, but we made it official later on. It was actually the day when she kissed me in front of Draco."

The girls squealed again and my eyes widened from the noise with a smile still on my face. I turned to face Fred and he kissed my forehead lightly. The girls them made an 'awwww' sound while the boys (except George) pretended to throw up. All you could do was smile and blush as you dug your face into the crook between Fred's neck and shoulder.

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now