Part 11

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I'd just stood up to my father, and I felt powerful. Perhaps it was the adrenaline or the rage that was coursing through my veins, but I didn't care. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a sharp, stinging pain on my face.

He smacked me and screamed, "You will NOT talk to me like that! You stupid, filthy little girl! And I thought your brother was bad, you might as well not even be a part of this family!"

You scoffed as multiple tears rolled down your cheeks, "Wow, thanks father."

You went back into your dorm and slammed the door. You forgot the others were there and you slid your back down the door crying, bringing your knees to your chest, holding them in place with your arms wrapped around them, and laying your head on your knees.

You looked up slightly and quickly wiped your tears, standing up when you saw the others.

"Oh, um, t-that was nothing. Just talking that's all." You lied.

Fred's eyes widened and he ran to you. 

"Oh my Merlin, Y/n your face! Did he hit you?" He examined your red face, moving your head to see better.

You had a big, red mark on your cheek from where he had slapped you. It still stung, and you thought for sure it would bruise by morning.

You sighed, "I'm fine Freddie, I'm just gonna go to bed, it's getting late."

You laid in the middle of your bed on your back. Fred and George laid on either side of you and Ginny sat at the end of your bed.

Ginny took a deep breath, "Thank you, Y/n."

You sat up, propping yourself up on your elbows, and looked at her confused, "For what?"

"You know what." George chimed in.

"Oh, um, you're welcome, it was no problem." You said, laying back down.


The next morning, you woke up and no one was there. You showered and got ready for the day. You then went down to the common room with a fake but convincing smile plastered on your face.

You saw everyone siting down on the couches. 

You sat on a solo arm chair, "Hey guys."

They all looked at you concerned.

"Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?" Ginny asked.

You smiled even bigger, "I'm doing pretty good. I'm going to get breakfast, you guys coming?"

"Are you sure you're okay, Y/n? Last night was pretty.. eventful." Cedric said.

You chuckled, "I'm fine, really."

They nodded and you guys went to the Great Hall. You sat with Cedric at the Hufflepuff table.

"So, are you and Fred together yet?" He asked.

You chocked on your food, "W-what? No, we're just best friends, like I said yesterday. We're close, and I really trust him. I just- he understands me and he always knows how to make me laugh. He's so sweet and kind all the time. And I swear there are times when he's the only one that can make me feel better, and the only one I want to be around. He's just- he's perfect."

You just realized how big of a smile had grown on your face, along with a blush.

"So you like him then?" He asked as if he already knew the answer.

You looked at him, "No... maybe... yes, very much."

"You should tell him." He suggested.

Your eyes widened and you blurted, "N-no, I can't."

You turned to look at Fred and you wondered if you'd ever be able to tell people. Seeing how your father reacted with just a kiss, how would he react when he found out you're actually dating? You sighed and continued eating your food.

Okay so I really feel like this story in general sucks but I'm gonna continue to post it anyway. I already know how the ending is gonna go and I'm thrilled for it, but you'll all have to wait and see! I hope you enjoy this story even if it is terrible! Thank you all and have a great day/night!

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now