Part 4

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You took a deep breath and were about to walk in the Great Hall when Fred gently pulled you back into the hallway.

"Before we go in, do you mind if I be brave once more?" He asked cautiously.

You raised an eyebrow and slightly tilted your head, "What are you up to?"

He looked you in the eyes and bit his lip. The hand that held yours cupped your cheek as he looked between your eyes and your lips multiple times over again. All of a sudden, his lips smashed against yours and he kissed you soft but passionately. You kissed back, but pulled away after a couple seconds.

"Wait, wait, wait! We- I- we can't do this." You said sadly and with a sigh.

His face dropped, "What? Why not? We clearly like each other."

You looked him in the eyes and said, "Look, I do like you, I do. But, for one, we only just met each other today. And, for two..." You sighed, "For two, you're a Weasley and I'm a- a Malfoy."

You looked down ashamed and embarrassed.

He lifted you chin with his finger and looked deep into your eyes, "I don't care about that. It doesn't matter that you're a Malfoy and I'm a Weasley. Your last name isn't what defines you, it's what kind of person you are and the way you treat others. And from what I've learned so far and from what I can tell about you, you are a great person with a huge, loving heart. Not to mention that you are nice to everyone that you meet, even if everyone says terrible things about them and warns you to stay away from them."

"Fred I just d-"

He cut you off, "How about this, we can be together secretly, see how it works out."

You began to speak but he cut you off again saying, "Please, at least think about it."

You looked at the floor and back up. He looked sincere and a little nervous (and so fricking cute!!).

You playfully rolled your eyes and smiled, "Alright, fine, I'll think about it. But for right now I'm exhausted and dinner's basically over so I'm going to bed. Goodnight. Oh and tell George I say goodnight as well."

"I will, goodnight, see you tomorrow." He said smiling before walking into the Great Hall.


The next morning you woke up with a smile on your face, something that hadn't happened in a very long time. You got up and got ready for the day. While walking down the stairs to the common room, you were engaged in a book and fell down the last few steps. You heard someone run up to you.

"Are you okay?" They asked.

You stood up and chuckled, "Yeah, I'm fine. Note to self, don't read and walk downstairs at the same time."

In front of you was a tall, male brunette who's face dropped immediately once he saw who you were.

"I- um- I have to go." He said walking off.

"Oh, okay." You whispered to yourself sadly.

On your way out of the common room and all the way to the Great Hall you noticed everyone's eyes on you. You were very confused but continued anyway when you felt someone grab your arm and pull you into a dark closet. You knew who it was immediately based off of the intoxicating amount of cologne they wore.

"What do you want?" You asked with a sigh.

"Why were you hanging out with those blood traitors and a mudblood? And where did you disappear to yesterday?" He seethed.

You ripped your arm out of his grip, "First of all, don't you ever talk about my friends like that again, and second of all, yesterday I was getting a tour of this place. Which you would've known if you'd cared enough to give me the tour yourself instead of hanging out with your so called 'friends'."

You rolled your eyes and went to walk away when he grabbed your arm again.

"Let me go, Draco." You demanded.

He let go and you continued to the Great Hall, everyone still watching you.

'What is going on?'  You thought to yourself.

You got to the Great Hall and walked over to the others.

"Hey guys, this morning's so weird. Everyone keeps staring at me." You said with a chuckle.

They all looked at you warily and concerned when Harry spoke up.

"Wait, you haven't heard?"

Ahhhh sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger lol. I know this isn't the best and it's kinda bad but bare with me please. I promise it's worth it! Anywayssss, thank you for still reading my story if you are and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now