Part 12

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It's been a few weeks and things are slowly starting to get better. No one knows about you and Fred, and Cedric's still the only person that knows that you like him. Draco's still being Draco, and you haven't seen your father since the whole thing at your dorm. Everyone got a phone and tiktok, and you and Fred text all the time, so much the others get annoyed.

You are currently sitting in your dorm with Fred (no one knows he's there). You're having such a good time and decided to be brave.

"Hey Fred, do you wanna do a couple tiktok? I'll make sure no one sees it's us, but I don't know, I think it might be fun." You asked.

"I'm confused, but sure." He said with a cute smile.

You did the tiktok (just imagine any tiktok with a couple but you can't see their faces or anything, just their body outlines)and laid down side-by-side.

You then got a text, so you looked at your phone. You were surprised, and confused.

Fred looked at you and sat up, "Who is it?"

"Uh, it's Draco. He said he wants me to meet him in the Slytherin common room."

He looked at you with worry and concern, "Y/n I don't think you should go. He's done nothing but be a git to you."

You looked him in the eyes then looked down, "I know Freddie, but he's still my twin."

"At least let me go with you." He begged with a sigh.

You nodded and made your way to the Slytherin common room.


You and Fred made your way to the Slytherin common room. When you got there, you took deep, shaky breaths, nervous for what Draco had to say to you.

Fred took your hands into his and turned you to look at him, "Hey, it'll be okay. I'm right here, love."

You took another deep breath and said, "Okay, I'm ready."

You mumbled the password and walked in the common room. As soon as you walked in, you saw Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle sitting on the couches. You walked over and sat in an empty chair, Fred standing beside you.

Draco rolled his eyes, "When I asked you here I didn't mean for you to bring Weaslebee along."

You took an angry deep breath, "It's Wealsey, Fred Weasley. Now what do you want?"

"What I want is for you to stop hanging out with the wrong sort. Father is mad enough. He'll take it out on me if nothing works for you. I'd prefer not to suffer for your poor judgment, thanks." Draco said.

"Yeah, no I'm okay. I'm sorry if you feel the need to listen to father's every beck and call, but that doesn't mean I have to. Their status, of any sort, means nothing to me. I judge people based off of who they are, and right now it seems like I should stay away from you, not them."

You got up and went to walk away. You stopped and started to tear when Draco said,

"Fine! Continue to be a disappointment, a DISGRACE!"

You looked down then at Fred, who's face was full of pure anger.

Ughhhh this just keeps getting worse and worse. I promise (or at least I hope) the end is worth it! Let me know what you think, even though I'm sure it's not gonna be good. If you want, let me know how I can improve. I won't take it too personal. Thank you for still reading this if you are! Have a spectacular day/night!

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now