Part 3

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The twins shared a side glance before both pulling you in a sudden, tight bear hug. You jumped and were stiff at first but hugged back after a few seconds.

You weren't used to physical affection because you're family, well, let's just say they weren't really affectionate in any way.

You pulled out, quickly wiping your excess tears, and said, "You know, I don't even know your names."

They look at each other and back at you in shock.

"Wait, you don't know who WE are?" One of them asked.

You shrug your shoulders and shake your head.

"So your brother never talked about two tall, red-headed Weasley's that are always pulling pranks on everyone?" The other one asked.

It suddenly clicked, "Oh my Merlin! Wait, that's you?! He's always complaining but I think it's amazing! Fred and George Weasley, standing right here. I am, just, wow. You guys are like- like my prank idols."

They chuckled. "Well, that's very kind of you. You hear that, Georgie? We're her idols." Fred said.

"Yes I did, Freddie. That's bloody awesome!" George answered.

You looked down and realized you face is still puffy from crying.

"Hey uh, where's the nearest lady's room?" You asked.

Fred held out his hand, "I'll show you. George, go back and tell everyone she's alright."

George nodded and left you and Fred alone, but you could've sworn you saw a slight smirk on his face before he did. You let it go and took Fred's hand and walked down the hallway.


While walking and making small talk, Fred interlocked his fingers with yours, holding your hand. You looked down and Fred saw, quickly removing his hand.

"Sorry, I should've asked." Fred apologized while rubbing the back of his neck.

You look up at him and smile slightly, "Oh um, n-no it's okay."

He smiled and slowly took your hand back in his once again. You looked down with a smile and slight blush.

You felt like teasing him so you looked up at him again and said, "Making a move on my first day though, wow, brave. But, I mean, you sure you can handle a Malfoy like myself? You are just a prankster after all."

He looked down at you (because you're a shorty lol) and took his hand away, sarcastically gasping and putting it over his heart, "I'm hurt."

You looked at your now empty hand and back up at him, "Well that backfired."

He looked at you confused, "How?"

"Because you stopped holding my hand." You explained showing your hand.

He stopped walking and turned to you, "Now who's brave?"

You playfully rolled your eyes, "How much farther?"

He pointed behind you, "We're here."

You thanked him and walked into the lady's room. You fixed your hair and make-up and came out about 5 minutes later. You walked up to Fred who looked like he was up to something.

"What are you thinking about?" You asked curiously.

He sighed, "Nothing, would you like that tour now?"

"Sure, on one condition." You said with a slight smirk.

He raised an eyebrow, "And what would that be?"

You stuck out your hand as to tell him to hold it and he chuckled.

"Brave." He said, interlocking your fingers.

He gave you the tour and you returned to the Great Hall with minutes left of dinner.

A/n: Okay so this chapter isn't the best but oh well. Also, I have family visiting from out of state so sorry if I forget to post. I'm also posting this at 1:26am so let me know if there are any mistakes. Comments are always appreciated as well as any brutal honesty as long as there is no hate. Thank you, and have a wonderful day/night!

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