Part 16

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Hermione, Ginny, and Luna were freaking out, asking a ton questions about you and Fred. You and the boys just sat there laughing at them when there was a knock on your door. Everyone went quiet.

"Uh, I'll get it." You said and walked to the door.

When you opened the door you saw Draco with red, puffy eyes and his face covered with tears, some still streaming.

"Oh my Merlin! Draco are you okay?! Come here!" You said wrapping him in a hug.

He dropped to his knees on the floor, crying even harder as you dropped with him.

You continued to comfort him just as you had when you were young children, "Shh, it'll be okay. I'm right here, I'm with you. You're not alone."

Seeing him like this killed you, it felt like you could feel is pain. You felt like complete garbage thinking about how you should've been there for him, how you should've seen past his rudeness, and how even after finding out the truth you still left him with your father. You felt as though this is your fault because if only you had been there, you could've prevented all of this pain that was inflicted on yourself and Draco.

He cried for about 20 minutes repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" over and over again.

Everyone else just stayed silent. To be honest, you'd forgotten they were there. 

Draco finally lifted his head and wiped his eyes. He looked at you, then behind you at the others. He looked down in embarrassment. You lifted his head lightly so you were looking into each others eyes.

"Are you okay, Draco? Really?" You asked concerned.

He brought his full attention back to you and asked, "Do they really make you happy?"

You turned your head back slightly at the others, then back to Draco, "Yeah, beyond happy."

He took a deep breath, "Okay, I know what I have to do. I'm so sorry, for everything."


Draco kissed your forehead and wiped his eyes once more before leaving.

You followed him and gently grabbed his wrist to stop him, "Wait! Draco where are you going?"

"To make things right." He said with a single tear falling down his face.

With that, he walked off. You stood in the hall, alone, and the tears you'd been holding escaped your eyes and began to fall.

For the first time in years Draco had been kind and showed his vulnerable side, and now he's gone to "make things right."

What could that be? You thought to yourself. Then, like a light bulb, you realized. Oh no, he's going to father!

You ran after Draco, more of your tears now streaming. You ran like your life depended on it. When you found him, he was in the same classroom that he was in before with father. As you got to the door, you saw Draco on the floor and the classroom a mess. It was clear they had fought, but it looked as though father had won as Draco stumbled trying to get back on his feet with his wand across the room on the floor.

Before you could do anything, you heard your father yell, "CRUCIO!"

You saw Draco fall back onto the ground as his screams and shrieks of pain filled the halls. They could probably be heard all the way across the castle.

You screamed in horror, "NOOO! DRACO!"

And just that like, you woke up. You sprung up screaming Draco's name and sweating.

Draco opened the door to your room, "Y/n are you okay? C'mon you're gonna be late for your first day at Hogwarts."

You were confused.

You thought to yourself, My first day? Bu- 

That's when it hit you, it was all a dream.

Okay I am so, so, so sorry for the long wait. I've been kinda busy lately. Anyways, this is officially the end of this story! Do you like it? Do you hate it? Let me know in the comments! I know this story was far from perfect and it was pretty bad, but oh well. It can only get better right? Go check out my other story, Draco Malfoy's Twin Sister. I promise it's better than this one! Thank you soooo much for reading until the end if you did, and if you didn't I completely understand. Have a wonderful day/night!

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now