Part 14

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The next morning you woke up tired from lack of sleep. You had tossed and turned all night and barely got any sleep, let alone any good sleep. You kept hearing Draco's words repeat in your head calling you a disappointment, a disgrace, and that you've fallen into disrepute with your family.

You had barely any motivation to, but you knew you had to get up. You slowly got out of bed and got ready for the day. Before walking to the common room, you put on a big (and fake) smile and took a deep breath.

You walked down and saw Cedric waiting for you.

"Hey, Ced." You greeted.

"Hey, are- are you okay?" He asked.

Your face dropped a little but you brought it back a bit, "Let me guess, you heard about the fight?"

He sighed, "Yeah, so has the whole school. It's not every day that someone beats up Malfoy, especially a non-Slytherin while in the Slytherin common room."

You gulped, "Shall we go to breakfast?"

"Sure." He said.

On the way to the Great Hall, you and Cedric walked in kind of an awkward silence. You could tell he wanted to say something, but stopped himself every time. Finally giving in, you stopped and turned to him.

"Okay, Ced, what's up? What is it you've been wanting to tell me this whole walk?"

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Well, uh, I've just been kind of wondering. All of these things happen to you, like with your brother, your father, and more, but yet you always have a bright smile on your face. Why is that? How is that?"

You took a deep breath before answering, "Um, let's just say I've gotten very good at faking it. The majority of the time that I smile it's fake, just no one ever notices. If you pay close attention you can tell the difference, but so far no one has. I hate to show weakness, so that's why I fake it. It's like that muggle quote, 'fake it till you make it'."

He nodded in understanding, "You know, you never have to pretend with me. I'll never judge you or anything. I'm always here for you."

You gave him a hug and after pulling away, he gestured for you to continue walking. You smiled lightly and began to walk again.

The rest of the day, you kept getting stared at and people gave you and Fred weird looks.

Draco's face was... flawed, to put it nicely. He had two black eyes, his lip was busted in three different places, his cheeks were bruised and one had a cut, and he had a cut across his eyebrow.

Anytime you saw Draco you would feel a little bad, but then you remember all that he's done to you and you think, Wow, Fred did a really good job.


A few more weeks passed and every day the girls would ask you a million questions about the "mystery guy" from your tiktok video. The boys would ask every now and then, but nowhere near as much as the girls. Fred would ask sometimes, too, so no one would suspect anything. Anytime they'd ask you'd just playfully roll your eyes and shake your head while smiling.

While you were walking to potions with Hermione and she wouldn't stop asking you questions.

"Okay c'mon give me a hint." She begged.

"Nope." You said, continuing to walk.

"Ugh why not? The suspense is killing me." She asked as you walked into class and took your seats.

"No, really? I didn't notice." I mocked sarcastically.

Snape began talking and Hermione whispered, "We're not done with this conversation."

You playfully rolled your eyes and turned you attention back to Snape.

Class was long and boring and any chance she got, Mione would ask about the "mystery guy." After class you met up with the group (including Luna, Neville, and Oliver).

"What up, what up?" You said cheerfully.

"Well someone's in a good mood." Ginny laughed.

You smiled hugely, "I am, you know I- I feel like things are finally looking up."

"I think you spoke too soon." Ron said worriedly.

You followed where his gaze was and saw your father.

Oopsies! I think Y/n jinxed it. Lol anyways thank you for continuing to read thus far if you have, and just a little hint, the story is going to end a lot sooner than you may think! Kind of sad for my first wattpad story to end (even though it was originally made for tiktok lol) but you should check out my other wattpad story that currently I'm writing. It's called "Draco Malfoy's Twin Sister". Anywhooooo, thank you again and have a splendid day/night!

The Forbidden Love ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now