Chapter 1

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Shi De came back from work feeling like he was carrying the whole company on his shoulders. As soon as he walked in the door Ming Ming activated her larynx on volume 8. She followed him everywhere he went as he tried to find some peace in his house. He could feel the frustration building up but  held it in for the sake of their 4 year relationship. However it didn't stop, she was saying a lot and he just needed to rest.

"What is it that you need right now Ming Ming I give you everything that you ask for, what more do you want from me."

Wasn't he listening to what she was saying? She looked at her boyfriend with teary eyes.

What a cry baby, was all Shi de could think of and  he was not backing down because she's been going at it for a while, bitching around as if he doesn't pay her bills or something. What more commitment can a man do to show his loyalty?

"Well I haven't seen you for a while now and Shi de  and you have been giving me excuses of not wanting to meet me." She started with her own pent up frustration. "It's been like what eight months and we have not gone on a date or have some quality time together.  Are you like cheating on me or something because this is so not how couples do ?"

"Cheating?" Gao Shi De closed his eyes and sighed out loud. He was really tired.  "Of all the things out there, you accuse me of cheating?"

"Then let's go for a date," Ming Ming asked in the sweetest voice she could master.

"Babe I'm tired. I just got back after 8 months. There's just too much work and I haven't had a proper rest ever since eight months ago. I really need to lay down right now."

"So you're telling me in those eight months you've not been with anyone?"

"Ming Ming," he called out with a sigh

"I miss you," she confessed with a sob.

Gao Shi De rolled his eyes and turned to go to his bedroom.

But she was not having it.

"You used to not be like this. We used to be so good together but I don't know whats happening with you."

The exhAusted man turned around tiredly furious at the upset cute little lady standing in the room but all he could see was a whiny ungrateful girlfriend.

"For the last time, there's too much work at the office, I..."

"How can you use the company as an excuse? You always have enough time for Shu Yi  but when it comes to me you become busy"

At the mention of Shu Yi, Gao Shi De tilted his head suspicious. He put his hands in his pockets and slowly approached her,

" are you jealous because I spend time with Shu Yi? Is that it?"

"I can't help it.."

Gao Shi De chuckles softly amused "No you should help it."

The smile on his face vanished, "I don't how but you should definitely help it" he was supposed to sound angry saying this but his worn out voice betrayed him and it only came out softly. He  was indeed tired and stressed and this was not the way he wanted to be welcomed home.


He looked around.


Then he paled.

"Where is Shu Yi?"

He asked looking at the watch on his wrist. There were only two things that Shu Yi hated. Darkness and dogs.

It was 10:21pm and he saw red.

"WHERE IS HE?" He was suddenly there holding Ming Ming's shoulders.  He disregarded the fear in his girlfriends eyes.

"what is wrong with you? You know fairly well that he is not a night person why would you send him away"

"I didn't send him away. I (sniff) I just (sniff) told him that I (sniff) wanted some privacy with you toniiiiight." She finished bawling her eyes out but Shi Decouldn't just care in that instance.

Quickly, he patted his pockets looking for his phone. He dialed Shu Yi's number and heard his phone ringing from somewhere in the house. 

He must've left in a hurry to have left his phone. "Idiot" he cursed with a pained face.

He left the house frantically looking around the house just in case. He went on the streets and it was already dark. Where could he have gone in this cold dark weather? He wondered looking around and running.

"Shu Yi" He screamed his name running and searching and feeling confused and angry because of the guilt,

About 10 minutes later he heard some whimpers like an injured dog behind a tree. He went to check with the torch on his phone to check and what he saw tore his heart in pieces.

Shu Yi was there in a fetus position, his legs on his chest and his head on his knees. He was small already and he just became so tiny because of terror. Shi De could literally feel his heart shattering.  He rushed to hold him in an embrace. Shu Yi flinched not really sure what was happening.

Shu Yi resisted the affection coming from his friend.

"Shu Yi, it's me. It's me, look,"

Shi De kept on calling him trying to put his arms around Shu Yi,

"SHU YI!!!" He raised his voice and that worked.

Shu Yi just looked at him and looked away scared out of his mind. He felt embarrassed being this vulnerable and Gao Shi De was disappointed in himself. He gave Shu Yi a piggy ride back home. He almost fell when he was pulling him up to stand because he was tired too. It was an excruciating walk back home and Shu Yi was fast asleep breathing steadily on Gao Shi De's neck.

"Let me help" He  heard Ming Ming say as soon as he opened the door

"Forget it. I can take care of him. Let me put him in bed we need to talk" He harshly whispered as he headed to his bedroom.

"You have to choose" were the words that greeted Shi De as soon as he returned.

"There is nothing really to choose because it has always been you Ming Ming." The frown on his face was the tale tell that he was so upset. "Today I'm staying with him because he needs me. Even if it is not me, he just needs someone to be there for him and we could have been banging like you were desperately crying for but well you caused this and I have to clean up your mess. Goodnight"

He finished and turned around heading for his bedroom where Shu Yi was. He couldn't let him sleep alone after what had happened. He needed close monitoring to make sure he was feeling ok.

Shu Yi was shivering when Shi De went to join him in the bed. The caring friend was worried Shu Yi would catch a cold at this rate, so he took off his shirt and went back in bed topless to share his body heat.

His heart swelled with emotion when he remembered the way Shu Yi was sitting in the dark. It reminded him of their first meeting and he tightened his arms around him.


He heard Shu Yi moaning. He had been squeezing Shu Yi unconsciously. He let go and loosened the bed cover.

"Feel better now?" he asked in a whisper, their faces next to each other.

"Yes now please hold me" Shu Yi said snuggling himself Gao Shi De's naked chest.

Gao Shi De smiled and held Shu Yi in his arms and that's how they fell asleep and it was the first time in eight months that Gao Shi De slept peacefully.

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