Chapter 6

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Shu Yi struggled against Shi De. Or at least he tried. But Gao Shi De was just too powerful for him. Gao Shi De kept on kissing him until he felt something tugging his heartstrings. He gave up and fell into the kiss. His eyes had been wide open from the shock fluttered close as he started responding to the soft lips against his. It felt nice and different. It was a unique feeling that made him so curious. It was the first time in ten years they had kissed like this.

He is asleep!

A voice screamed inside his head and he abruptly stopped and sat up beside Gao Shi De. Shi De's hands was left in the air looking for Shu Yi's body but couldn't locate him.

"Come back,"  he moaned frustrated. Gao Shi De's conscious self had been sexually frustrated and his subconscious self had found a way out of his misery.

Shu Yi looked between his legs and saw how strained his penis was. It wanted out and he couldn't believe a sleep walking Shi De had cause this. He looked at the said man writhing on the bed horny as fuck. His hair messy and his own dick mushed in the garments he was wearing.

What about tomorrow? The voice in Shu Yi's head asked again.

Suddenly, like a person who is wide awake, Gao Shi De began taking off his clothes slowly, and Shu Yi he mirrored Shi De's actions and began taking off his clothes too. It was like an enchantment and he had been trapped.

Whatever that was happening was out of their control now. Shu Yi knew that he was making the biggest douche move and he was definitely going to regret it but that didn't stop him from taking off his underwear.

Gao Shi De pat his lap and with a hoarse voice he whispered "Come"

To Hell with tomorrow. Shu Yi screamed back to the voice in his head as he went to sit on Gao Shi De's lap.

All the excitement died down when he realised what was going to happen next. He had never done it before and now his butthole virginity was going to get deflowered by a man who was sleeping. If it was the other way round, he would have been raping his friend so it was better this way. He comforted himself with this thought.

They kissed slowly, caressing each other, hands tracing lines on their bodies until they couldn't hold any longer.

Shu Yi reached for the drawers and took out a condom but he didn't miss the slight frown on Shi De's face as he used his teeth to open the packet.

It became awkward when he was putting the rubber on Shi De's member. He chuckled miserably in his head. He was messing up his life. Their lives actually. And again today he was just too turned on to care.

He used his pre-cum to lube himself and Shi De's member. Neither had experienced nor knowledge of how this was to take pace. So Shu Yi laid on the bed and Gao Shi De came on top, lined his shaft on Shu Yi's entrance, slowly kissing him in a sensual way like any conscious person would.

"I'm loving this" Gao Shi De whispered, showering kisses on Shu Yi's body. Shu Yi trembled, feeling goose-bumps all over his body. The effects he was getting from another man was shocking.

Slowly Gao Shi De tried to enter Shu Yi but it was difficult for him and painful for Shu Yi. They had all the night to themselves so they took their time.

Some time in between the night they figured it out and had steaming sensual sex. Shu Yi loved every second of it even though the pain was unbearable. He had cried during and Gao Shi De had comforted him.

Just after they got done, Shu Yi cleaned up the bedroom and Shi De too. He activated the air freshener on the wall to chase away the smell of sex. After traces of their hot night were gone, he went to Gao Shi De's bedroom to sleep the rest of the night.

Monday Morning came and instinctively Gao Shi De woke up around six so he could prepare for work. The day was filled with confusion already, for one why wasn't he in his room? He was in Shu Yi's room. He got up and looked for Shu Yi. When he couldn't find him in the kitchen and lounge, he went to his room and saw him under the covers.

"Shu Yi" he shook him lightly and called again, "Shu Yi wake up"

Shu Yi got up slowly looking around,
"why are you here In my room?" He asked.

Shu Yi knew this was going to happen. He knew Gao Shi De had been sleep walking but still he felt disappointed that he didn't remember.

Rubbing sleep off his face Shu Yi asked, "You don't remember again?" Even though the answer was clear.

"Yes I don't, did I come to your room?" Gao Shi De was getting worried.

"No no you just wanted to sleep in my bed so I let you and I came here instead. Nothing happened" Shu Yi lied smoothly.

"Why would I want to sleep in your bed though?" Gao Shi De was thinking out loud. "I'm sorry for inconveniencing you; I will go back to the hospital soon for more checkups. It seems the medication is not working"

"Yeah okay its cool no worries," Shu Yi replied trying to get up from bed. The moment he tried to stand up, he collapsed with a yelp.

"What's wrong?" Gao Shi De asked, voice full of concern.

"Urghhh, a cramp" he was in pain. His back and his butt was in pain and for a minute he thought he broke a bone.

"You need help?" He asked trying to help him get up.

"No I'm okay just ..." Shu Yi avoided Shi De's hands as he held on to the bed getting up. He closed his eyes and bit his lip to not let any sound out.

"How was your night by the way?" He asked trying to interrupt the attention he was getting.

"It was okay but I'm feeling weird and in pain?It must've been a long night for me. Hahaha Imagine a grown up like me having wet dreams."

Shu Yi looked away. If he made any wrong move now, Gao Shi De was going to realize something. So he put his mind together and smiled widely.

"Well, I feel pity for that woman in your dreams," Shu Yi laughed it off; doing his best to minimize his limping as he left the room.

"Shu Yi," Gao Shi De called out and Shu Yi looked back with a forced suspicious smile.

"Are you ok?" Gao Shi De asked.

"Yeah I'm ok. I must've sprained something with the fall," Shu Yi replied as he walked out the door.

He couldn't go to work like this. The discomfort he was feeling was just too much. So he called in sick.

Gao Shi De had to get ready so he made his bed and went to take a shower. When he removed his panties, he was expecting to see evidence of the erotic dreams that made his peen hurt but there was nothing.


He put his clothes away and went in the shower but before he turned on the water he inspected his flaccid member and saw dried cum and blood on the side of his balls.

He panicked.

He suddenly remembered Shu Yi falling and limping out of his room. He tilted his head with a frown on his face.

"No way. "

AN: As I have said before this is a story from 5 years ago that I'm editing to practice writing again as I was in a slump. It served its purpose well because I'm writing again and I have a big project I'm working on now. Please look forward to it. I'll announce the name of this story after completing Thai BL Actors Chatroom 2.

It occurred to me as I was editing this chapter that it's almost similar to the bl drunk rape case. In this case,

Is Zhou Shu Yi sexually assaulting a sleep walking Gao Shi De even though it's Shi De who has approached him first? Even though he is the bottom?

What do you guys think?

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