Chapter 12

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They were in the conference room and Dr Ern was presenting her case on the projector. In the room were Chief Physicians, Professors, Directors of the Psychiatric Section.

"patient 29-year-old male. I diagnosed him with somnambulism and gave him a prescription. However today he came in alleging to have sexually assaulted his best friend and he has no knowledge of it because it happened whilst he was having an episode."

She pushed a button the remote she was holding, and another patient came on the screen

"I thought it was insane until he mentioned the name of his friend Shu Yi 28 year old male who came in at dawn and was hospitalized because he had brutal "consensual" sex which damaged him. I was advised he needed a consultation because all signs pointed to rape and not consensual sex."

At the last statement, the doctors in the room got confused and Dr Ern could see it in their faces so she paused so they could ask questions.

"why is patient A convinced he raped his friend?" One doctor asked.

"he installed cameras in his house after the first time he had an episode, that's how he came to the hospital for diagnosis. He listened to the audios." she answered.

"does this fall under rare extreme cases of somnambulism?" another doctor inquired.

"most definitely" Dr Ern was positive. "he showed me the bruises on his body that looked quite horrifying. He got them when his friend was fighting to escape but couldn't"

The case was indeed complicated. Every doctor in the room was trying to solve the case in their heads but it was just not easy.

"we can't report this to police?" the Director asked no one in particular.

"There's more to this story that we know," a professor chipped in, let's get all the facts from both parties before we bring the police into this."

"I don't think we can if the victim does not want to and his friend is under diagnosis," the Chief replied and Dr. Ern was pleased.

"I think we should let them meet because..." the doctor who was suggesting this was cut off by Doctor Ern's beeper which went off indicating an emergency. "Excuse me,"  she took a phone and called the  reception.

"what's the emergency?" she whispered.

"doc you need to get here. Your two patients and a guardian are having an argument. There's drama," the voice on the other line was panicked and she could hear the commotion in the background.

"do not do anything hasty I'm on my way," she cut the phone.

"I think that won't be necessary, I've just received news that they have met and I'm afraid I might have to go and monitor the situation."

Chief of Psychiatrist then said, "lets meet again tomorrow same time to discuss the treatment."

That was what Dr Ern needed to hear before she took off.

When she got to the reception, she was directed to Shu Yi's private ward. When she got there, she saw Gao Shi De on his knees bawling his eyes out asking for forgiveness and Shu Yi's guardian was trying to kick him out of the room pouring out profanities at the enemy in the room. Dr Ern was more concerned with Shu Yi who was looking away; his shaking body indicating that he was crying too. It was not a good site and some patients and medical staff had come around to listen to what was going on. Security had been called and they were on standby.

"I got this," Dr Ern said to the security.

She went in and asked everyone in the room to calm down which was not possible since the three of them were deep in their feelings. She started by calming Zheng Wen down and asked him to leave the room, which was not easy at all.

She waited for Gao Shi De to finish crying. It was something that he needed. She listened watching closely what was happening.

"it was my fault," Shu Yi said with a small croaky voice.

"why do you think so?" Dr Ern asked.

"because I let it happen," he sniffled.

"no Shu Yi, you fought me so hard and I know you couldn't. I was wrong. I'm so sorry." Shi Fe didn't know what words to say to express his regret.

"it was not the first time it happened."

Now that brought Dr Ern to her feet. If she thought this case was complicated, then it just became even more complicated.

"what do you mean by that?" Dr Ern asked feeling restless.

"Did I force you before?" Gao Shi De became more devastated, "why didn't you tell me before, when was it?"

In that juncture, the image of Shu Yi falling came into his mind and everything finally made sense.

"a few days ago, the day I found you in my room," Gao Shi De was answering his own question.

"that was not the first time it happened," Shu Yi confessed.

Gao Shi De ran to the trash can in the room and threw up but there was nothing in his stomach so again he just dry heaved until he couldn't take in anymore. He slumped there on the hospital floor of Shu Yi's room. He was hanging by the cliff and Shu Yi was trying so hard to push him.  He could feel pain and exhaustion weighing his down. Above all, he could feel his sanity diminishing. He wanted Shu Yi to stop talking before he loses His mind but he had to hear it; What he had done to his best friend.

Doctor Ern thought that Shu Yi was fanning the flames every time he was talking and it was not helping at all. She was trying all she could to keep her composure. But it was not easy. This was onetwisted story.

"so, when...?" was all Gao Shi De managed to ask when he stood up, disheveled.

"The day I came back with that lady." Shu Yi was nervously biting his fingers. 

Gao Shi De was confused. Did he rape his friend in front of a hook-up?

"how come she did not help you out if I was forcing you?" Shi De's eyes were losing focus but Doctor Ern was more focused on Shu Yi and missed the signs of Shi De's consciousness drifting away.

"she was part of." Shu Yi had to say it. Shi De had to know.

"wait you mean I forced myself on both of you?" Gao Shi De's face became white, the last indication of what was going to happen next.

"we had a threesome." It was quiet but so clear. 

Gao Shi De fainted.

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