Chapter 10

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Later that morning, Gao Shi De woke up to an incredibly quiet house which was weird because he thought he heard some noises coming from somewhere in the house, or was he dreaming?

He woke up in Shu Yi's room again. This was becoming a habit. He laughed in his head thinking Shu Yi probably went to sleep in his room.

He got up and went to the bathroom, then he saw blood on his penis. He went pale.

"why is there blood, again?" he asked out loud. Am I menstruating now? He pondered in his head. Was that blood not from poop then? First sleepwalking now menstruating. Am I really bleeding? He inspected himself meticulously.

He felt some pain.

This is really becoming weird. He went to get his phone and quickly called Doctor Ern.

"I'm menstruating now," was the first thing he said and the doctor burst out laughing.

"not the first thing I would like to hear let alone from you Gao Shi De."

"I woke from my sleep and went to the bathroom and discovered bloodstains on my penis."

"so, you assumed that you all of a sudden was discharging blood like a girl would?" Gao Shi De could feel the smile from the doctor's words.

"doctor this is not funny."

"Check for other wounds near your nether regions. How do you feel right now? I need you to calm down and relax. Tell me if you feel pain anywhere else."

Gao Shi De tried to relax and that's when he felt it. The pains. Why he did not feel this when he woke up was beyond him.

"I'm in pain," he uttered dumbfounded by the late realization.

"where do you feel pain?" the doctor prodded.

"my chest, my back, my hands," he said the last part checking his hands to see some horrible bruises.

"God what happened to me," he said out loud as he went to the mirror in Shu Yi's bathroom to look. His chest was full of scratches like he had fought a cat.

"wait. Did I fight a cat?'

"what are you talking about?" the doctor queried.

"doctor let me call you back. I might need a consultation with you today during lunch.

"Mr Gao Shi De that's not how it works. I will have to check my schedule and get back...

"that's why I said during lunch. I'll see you soon." He ended the call without listening to the doctor. He had to go and ask Shu Yi what had happened. Did they fight? This was a stupid assumption considering Shu Yi was not that type of person.

When he got to his room, he saw no Shu Yi. He checked the lounge and still no sign of Shu Yi. He searched everywhere in the house but still, he could not find him. He took his phone to call him, but his phone was off. He went back to his room to get some clues then he remembered he had installed some cameras when all the craziness began.

He had installed them everywhere else except Shu Yi's room. He logged in to his laptop and started watching the videos from when he went to sleep and fast-forwarded them until he saw himself getting out of bed. Here it is.

So, he woke up and went straight to Shu Yi's room. He laughed at this discovery. Of course, he would go there. So, what happened next? Did he really get into a fight with Shu Yi? He turned the volume up from the camera in the hallway. He put the volume to the maximum so he could hear what was happening.

Gao Shi De was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the first heart-wrenching scream that made him jolt from the chair.

"SHU YI!!!" he called out as if Shu Yi were in the house. He took a step towards Shu Yi's room wanting to see if Shu Yi was ok. For a moment he thought it was happening right now.

Then a series of screams and cries kept on coming. One word that came out from the room was No and it was not sitting well with Shi De. He felt his stomach churn. Suddenly, he was sweating,earphones nervously listening to the audio and not liking where this was going.

Why did he not help when Shu Yi was in pain, crying out like this? Why was his voice not coming out too? He decided to pay attention. This time he took some earphones and connected them to the laptop to listen to the background and that is when he heard it.

His voice.


His groaning......

from .........


He briskly went out to the bathroom to throw up.

"no it can't be. I can never do that, not to Shu Yi."

No, that was not possible.

He slumped on the ground, drained.

"Shu Yi," He called out.

"Shu Yi!" He got up from where he was sitting wiping the corner of his mouth. He looked disheveled stumbling out of his room calling Shu Yi's name, desperately wishing he could come out yawning asking him to be quiet.

He searched for Shu Yi all over again as if he hadn't done that already. He called him again and again, but Shu Yi was nowhere to be found.

He was feeling sick again. He went and threw up but nothing was coming out now. He just dry heaved exhausting his worn-out lungs.

He went back to his room defeated and watched the rest of the video playing an empty hallway, and the sounds that were coming out of Shu Yi's room. He watched the whole video until he saw Shu Yi coming out from his room limping holding on to the wall. He looked closely and saw the bloodstains on Shu Yi' pants and that's when it really hit him what he had done. He had sexually assaulted his best friend and the said best friend had left for God knows where.

He checked the rest of the video and was relieved when he saw that Zheng Wen coming in to take Shu Yi. He listened to Zheng Wen and Shu Yi's conversations. He could not blame what Zheng Wen had said. They were supposed to report him to the police.

Regrettably, he did not have Zheng Wen's phone number.

He just sat down there in his room, out of ideas. What was he supposed to do now? Turn himself in for sexually assaulting someone.

He felt dirty.

Putting aside the fact that he had assaulted his best friend, he had unconsented sex with his male best friend.

When did he become gay? Did the sleepwalking come with extra baggage like this? He was confounded.

Then he suddenly remembered Shu Yi falling from bed.

"noooooo," he covered his face. This is insane. He tried to let out a sigh, but he could not. He was feeling suffocated. He felt like he was drowning.

He called Doctor Ern again.

"I'm on my way to your office right now," he said with a stressed shaky voice.

"and it's now lunchtime according to which watch Mr Shi De?"

"I might have sexually assaulted someone whilst sleepwalking," he was calmly incensed if there was even that.

"I'll see you when you get here." The doctor gave in when she realized the gravity of the matter.

Just as she hung up the phone Dr Ern looked at her phone for a minute and looked up to the door of the private ward she was about to go in.

A rape victim...

What are the odds?

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