Chapter 9

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Shu Yi was hyperventilating.

Was it even possible for a person to do that whilst sleepwalking?

How could he not wake up?

He looked at Gao Shi De who had gone back to sleep. How had he not woken up during their fight? What was he going to do now? He had so many emotions coursing through his body but regret and betrayal stood out the most. He didn't know what was worst between the two. But all the questions in his head only led him to one feeling.

Regret won the battle.

He blamed himself for being in this situation. He had so many chances to tell him he was getting worse;  to tell him they had crossed the line. That's why Shi De shouldn't find out about what happened. He struggled to get up and he felt a ripping pain shooting in his body, he just could not. He was in pain. It took him thirty minutes to get up as he struggled to put on his discarded pants.

His best friend had damaged him and he felt like life was playing a very cruel joke on him. Shi De was his home so leaving was not an option. And If he were to stay, how were they going to make things work?

He was done hiding his pain. It was enough for one day and he could not do it for another day especially with the bruises and hickeys.

He had to go.

He managed to take the bloody sheets and threw them in his closet before he left the room.

He called Zheng Wen.

"you'll have to be dying for you to call this early Shu Yi come on its 3 am,"

Shu Yi  only managed to let out a shaky, "help"

"what's wrong? is it the headache again? Is Gao Shi De not with you?"

Shu Yi let out a pained cry "come and get me please. I don't want to be here anymore,"

That woke Zheng Wen immediately and he grabbed his car keys and left his apartment in his pyjamas. He knew how much Gao Shi De meant to Shu Yi so Shu Yi to be calling this early asking to be taken away from Shi De meant something had gone terribly wrong.

When he got to Gao Shi De's house the door was not locked so he got inside the house and was tempted to go straight to Shu Yi's room but changed his mind when he heard some sniffles coming from the lounge. When he got the lounge, he saw Shu Yi curled up on his side, shaking.

"Shu Yi are you ok? Is it too much?" All he could think of was that Shu Yi's headache had gone worse.

"take me away please." Shu Yi  responded in a broken voice, trying to cover his himself. The embarrassment was too much.

"do you want to go to the hospital?" Zheng Wen asked as he tried to make Shu Yi  sit up. "but I saw Gao Shi De's car outside why you are here alone?" he couldn't help but ask.

"I wanna go with you," Shu Yi was holding a sob from breaking through.

"totally fine with me but are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital. You don't look well Shu Yi, " he frowned at seeing the state Shu Yi  was in. Shu Yi 's eyes and face were swollen, he looked like he had some bruises on his neck. He panicked when Shu Yi  tried to stand up and he noticed then blood stains on his pyjama pants. The fact that Shu Yi could not stand and kept on falling on his knees told Zheng Wen what he wanted to know.

Shu Yi was raped.

He gasped.

"where is Gao Shi De?" Zheng Wen was fuming.

"Let's go," Shu Yi  just wanted to be out of the house. Away from everything

"don't tell me he is the one who..."

"Zheng Wen please," Shu Yi  sobbed "I want to leave this place before he wakes up."

"was he drunk? God what was he thinking?" Zheng Wen just stood there debating on what to do.

"take me away please. I'll explain everything on the way."

"ok but we are going to the hospital first," he decided.

"no hospital ple.."

"hospital or police station you decide. I'm not playing games with you. The idiot just raped you and you're not even..." he stopped to take some deep breaths "friends or not this is not ok Shu Yi "

"hospital then," Shu Yi replied defeated.

"hospital it is," Zheng Wen replied swooping Shu Yi bridal style from the floor. When they got to his car, he laid Shu Yi down; sitting was not an option.

Shu Yi was uncertain as Zheng Wen drove away.

Was he going to come back again?

Was he ever going to face Shi De again?

Was Shi De going to forgive him?

Will they go back to being friends like they used to?

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