Chapter 4

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Friday night of that week, Gao Shi De was sitting at the dinner table eating dinner wondering where Shu Yi was. It was around 7 pm. He heard the door open and some voices. Shu Yi sauntered in the kitchen his arms slung on the waist of an incredibly young beautiful lady.

"Come and join?" Gao Shi De offered to both.

"No don't worry, we just had dinner on our way here."


Shu Yi then directed the young lady to his bedroom whilst he went to talk to Gao Shi De in the kitchen some more.

"don't forget to take your meds after you are done eating".

" I will not"

"Then let me go and see her, have a goodnight Gao Shi De.'


Gao Shi De was left feeling empty. His appetite vanished and he threw the rest of his food away. He felt a slight headache and decided to take his medication and go to sleep.

Five minutes later he was yawning so he retired to his bed and slept right away hoping A peaceful night.


Shu Yi was there in his bed kissing and touching the girl, Gracie. How they had met was a story for another time, but Gracie showed that she was quite experienced because she seductively flipped Shu Yi so that he was lying face up on the bed. She proceeded to remove the remaining clothing that she had before she stripped Shu Yi.

She kissed and licked his neck and then his chest trailing kisses on his flat tummy until she was there full-on sucking on his penis.

Shu Yi was writhing underneath. He had to admit that this girl was a pro at this. He moaned and Gracie knew that she was pressing the right buttons.

Shu Yi flipped them back so that Gracie was beneath her; he reached out on the dresser and took a condom. He protected himself and just as he was about to penetrate he heard funny sounds at the door, so he stopped for a second and stared at the door waiting, listening.

"Whats wrong?" Gracie asked annoyed by the pause.

"No, its nothing just my ears playing tricks on me."

He thrusted gently inside of her, she smiled and he frowned.

His ears were not deceiving him after all. He heard correctly because in that moment, Gao Shi De chose to make a dramatic entrance. He stood there and just kept on staring at the two bodies tangled on the bed.

"Gao Shi De what is wrong with you!!?"

Shu Yi panicked, he quickly covered himself and Gracie with a sheet.

Gao Shi De did not utter a word. He just slowly closed the door behind him and walked towards the bed watching Shu Yi.

Shu Yi did not realize that Gao Shi De was sleep walking right away because of the shock.

"Gao Shi De what are you doing in here?"

Shi De looked blank and Shu Yi could not tell where he was looking. He looked at the bed and saw that the sheet had moved slightly so that Gracie's breast was in the open and Gao Shi De's gaze was on that.

It was in that moment that the thought flickered in his mind. "Gao Shi De you can't sleep? Did you take the medicine? Gao Shi De" Shu Yi asked called out having a mental breakdown of some sort.

He didn't know what to do with this situation. he had never encountered Shi De sleep walking before.

When he was about to disjoin himself from the lady, he heard the most ridiculous thing ever. Something that was going to cost him their friendship and more.

"I can take care of you both" Gracie said and he gaped at her with WTF look.

"Are you right now suggesting a threesome with me and my best friend?" disbelief filled his being.

"Why not? I have done it before," she said in the most duh tone ever.

No-wonder you didn't feel tight. He wanted to retort but thought otherwise.

"This is a really b.." he did not finish what he was saying when he saw a naked Gao Shi De joining them in bed. How and when he took off his clothes went unnoticed.

"Gao Shi De No" Shu Yi justifiably panicked when he saw his naked best friend joining him on his bed.

"I insist" The girl said, and Shu Yi just watched her scooting over to create space for the newcomer.

He was so uncertain and unsure.

This was wrong.

This was not it.

This was crazy.

He watched Gracie take care of Gao Shi De. The scene unfolding before his eyes was something else. Gao Shi De was on his back his legs wide open and he was indeed gifted that Gracie could not swallow him whole.  She used her hand to take care of the base she couldn't reach. A naked Shi De was not something new, he had seen him naked before but just not in a setting like this.

Shu Yi was getting excited watching. It was like watching porn live. What surprised him, however, was how little Gao Shi De was refusing to cooperate. But Gracie did not mind,

She sat up and assessed the situation.

"so you want like to do both of us at the same time or one at a time?" Shu Yi asked laughing at himself in his head.

"I usually prefer both" Gracie carelessly replied.

"Whatever takes you there."

This was the last time for Shu Yi to back down but it only served as confirmation.

"Then both of you it is"

Gao Shi De was just there watching us with hazed eyes.

I will worry about the aftermath later Shu Yi thought as he nodded to Gracie.

In no time, Gracie was on top of Gao Shi De facing him and put his half hard protected penis inside of her. She didn't flinch. Shu Yi then went behind Gracie and lined up his penis against Gao Shi De's. I will worry about the aftermath later. He thought.

Pushing in was a bit hard because the hole was half full. It helped that Shi De was not fully hard. He thrusted and that was when Gracie moaned, and he started moving slowly.

And then something happened.

Shi De pulsed.

The more Shu Yi moved, the more he could feel him getting harder and a few minutes later Gracie was tight, Gao Shi De was fully aroused. They both started thrusting and the euphoria was something else. Gracie placed her head on Shi De's neck, and it left Gao Shi De and Shu Yi looking intensely at each other.

Zhou Shu Yi was not focusing on Gracie but more on the slick stick rubbing against his. How it made him harder and closer to the edge. How it made him so alive and satisfied.

They didn't take their eyes off each other until they finished, and Gao Shi De took longer coming from the high because it has been months of pent-up sexual frustration.

Shu Yi cleaned him up and put back Gao Shi De in bed.

How he did not wake up at all throughout all the encounter baffled Shu Yi. Wasn't it that a clap of hands usually woke up a person who is sleep walking? But how was it that Gao Shi De had a threesome steamy sex, and he didn't wake up?

Morning came and Gao Shi De woke up feeling refreshed. His breathing was light and he  felt so alive.  He didn't know the reason for this bubbly feeling in his tummy or this content feeling but he didn't care.

He went in the kitchen and saw Shu Yi sitting drinking his coffee.

"so about last night" Shu Yi started getting up with his cup and Gao Shi De looked innocently happy and clueless. Shu Yi had spent his whole morning trying to come up with a convincible to last night's events. The guilt had stolen peace from him, and he couldn't help but feel like he had taken advantage of his friend.

"What about last night?"

Shattering glass was heard all of a sudden as Shu Yi stood there frozen. Just what had he done...

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