Chapter 7

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Gao Shi De opened the shower and just stood there dazed.


On his balls.

He saw Shi De falling again in his head and he shook his head dismissing the ridiculous thought his mind wanted to entertain. Coincidentally, he felt a tightness in his stomach and all the peaces of the puzzle fell in place.

He started breaking down what could've happened during the night. He was sleep walking when he went to the toiltet and had bloody poop?

This sounded much better in his head.

Anyways some blood streamed down his balls and because he was sleep walking and he didn't notice it. Then he must've given himself a hand after that which explain the dried cum. The order didn't sound right and as a person who cared about his hygiene, it felt wrong that's why  he washed himself thoroughly and got rid of all the remnants of this disturbing unhygienic night.

He finished his morning routine in a better mood and when he went to eat breakfast together with Shu Yi, he was not in the kitchen. Where is he? He pondered as he took it upon himself to make breakfast for them. After preparing two plates of toast and scrambled eggs with a cup of hot coffee, Shu Yi was still nowhere in sight so he carried Shu Yi's breakfast in a tray and brought it to his room. He knocked at the door and got in right away and found Shu Yi still in bed. He realized maybe he had really sprained his ankle bad when he fell from his bed this morning.

"hey, what's going on? You are not going to work today?" he asked worried.

Shu Yi didn't move much when he answered, "yeah it really hurts, and I won't be able to be able to go to work today"

"Is it that bad? Let me take a look" Shi De's caring side kicked in. He tried to tug the covers off so he could look at Shu Yi's ankle.

"or let me get some ice first. Is it swelling?"

Shu Yi held on to the covers for dear life. He just wanted to sleep the pain away, " I mean yes its bad but you don't have to stick around you are going to be late for work if you don't leave soon," Shu Yi weakly responded in a somewhat frustrated voice as he was trying to sleep.

"I can take a day off if you're not feeling well Shu Yi" Gao Shi De calmly responded still trying to make Shu Yi come out of the covers so he could look at his ankle.

"no, its fine it's not a big deal, I will get the ice later.  It will be fine don't worry about me," he covered himself again.

"it must be pretty serious if you're not going to work. Besides, how can I go to work knowing that you're not feeling well." Shi De tried again to pull the blankets away from Shu Yi to check.

Voice forced and stressed, "I said I'm ok. its ok you can go to work and thank you for the breakfast I'll eat it soon," Shu Yi kept on trying to tuck the blankets using his body and Shi De was not backing down too. It's like they were playing tug of war with the covers. Zhou Shu Yi could feel his frustration slowly reaching its limit because the more he was using force the more he was straining his behind, and Gao Shi Dewas not helping.

Gao Shi De roughly tugged off the blanket one last time and Shu Yi screeched in pain. Tears welled in his eyes and he breathed deeply to alleviate his pain.

"please go," he begged as tears slid on the side of his face. He held himself trying to shield his small built from the sudden cold air and the pain on his back.

"I said let me check your ankle before I go," Gao Shi De insisted sitting down on the bed close to Shu Yi's feet.

"I SAID GO," Shu Yi finally lost it and screamed at Gao Shi De and this time he could not stop the sobs. It was Gao Shi De's fault that he was like this and it was more frustrating that he couldn't blame him for this situation.

"I SAID IM NOT LEAVING UNTIL I CHECK YOUR ankle," Gao Shi De was not sure why he was insisting on checking Shu Yi's ankle too but something at the back of his head was telling him he had to.

"I DIDN'T EVEN SAY I SPRAINED MY ANKLE!! Shu Yi fired back in the heat of the argument.

"you clearly said you sprained something when you fell" Shi De used a better tone this time "if it was not your ankle then what was it?"

"Gao Shi De, I got it. I really appreciate the care but today let me just ride out the pain. You're really not helping me here," Shu Yi explained suddenly feeling worn out. He  looked anywhere but Shi De, subtly  wiping his tears away.

Gao Shi De was about to retort when his cell phone started ringing. He kept his eyes on Shu Yi as he took out his phone from his pockets. His eyes were still locked on Shu Yi when he answered it. Shu Yi slowly exhaled a sigh of relief as he heard Shi De saying that he was on his way. He didn't move as Shu De left the room disappointed in Shu Yi's attitude. He didn't move until he heard the front door being shut indicating Shi De's departure.

He covered himself feeling drained. He had no right to blame Shi De for leaving like that. He had asked for it.

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