Franks Birthday

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A/N sorry for not updating but i had no computer for a week then i was just to lazy -_-

Franks POV

Gerard, mikey and ray had all gone shopping to buy my birthday presents leaving me all by myself at gerard and I's house, i had moved in a few months ago. I'm so goddam bored! i turned on the TV and spongebob squarepants came on.

"Fuck yes!" i said to myself

A few episodes and coffees later and in walked gerard, mikey and ray.

"Hey guys" i said

"Hey" they all said creepily in sync.

"Wow that was all in sync, weird..." i said 

"frankie, what do you want to do for your birthday?" gerard asked

"You" i said looking gerard in the eyes

"Well that can be arranged" gerard smirked

"Frank Gerard stop talking about sex" mikey said.

"Fine" gerard sighed.

"We could have a party or maybe go trick or treating" ray suggested.

"Trick or treating!" i yelled.

"Then we can have sex the rest of the night" gerard whispered in my ear.

"Maybe you'll be the one walking like a penguin" i whispered back.


"Okay well i have to go now, i have a date with christa" ray said.

"Bye ray" we called out.

"Mikey do you want to play COD? i asked.

"Sure" mikey replied

"Imma go make coffee" gerard said

-A few hours later-

"Bye frank Gerard" mikey said as he left our house

"Geeeeee" i whined

"I'm not telling you what i got you for your birthday" gerard replied.

"But i want to know"

"Well tough luck, you'll have to wait"

"Fine" i fake pouted.

-Franks Birthday-

Gerards POV

It was now halloween aka frank's birthday. We were having a party it also happened to be a costume party luckily we had just finished trick or treating and were in costumes. I of course was a vampire frank was a zombie, mikey was the joker and ray was the riddler. It was pretty epic, the whole house was covered in halloween decorations and there was drunk people everywhere. I however was sober i sure as hell didn't want to wake up with a killer hangover or do something i'd regret. As i made my way through the drunken grinding mass of people something caught my eye. Ray and mikey were making out? this can't be happening theey both have girlfriends.

"Mikey Ray what the hell are you doing" i yelled over the loud music

"Christa broke up with me" ray said

"I told alicia i loved ray and she left me" mikey said.

"are you guys drunk?" i asked 

"Nope" they replied in sync.

"Okay then" i said as i walked outside.

Frank was standing outside cigarette between his lips.

"hey sugar having fun?" i asked wrapping my arms around his waist

"more now that your here' he replied.

"guess what i saw inside"

"hmm a giant rainbow dog?"

"not even close"

"Damn" frank giggled.

"I saw mikey and ray making out, they claimed they weren't drunk"

"Wow, we'll see in the morning if they were drunk or not"

"Yeah" i said trailing a line of kisses down his neck.

Frank stubbed out his cigarette and turned to face me. I crashed my lips agaisnt his. He deepened the kiss shoving his tounge in my mouth, i slipped my hands in to his boxers.

"Gerard you horny vampire! nout out here" frank said.

"I can't help it you make a very hot zombie"

"lets take this to the bedroom" frank jumped on my back, "onward my sexy vampire"

Franks POV

I woke up and gerard was still asleep, i thought it would be funny to poke him until he woke up.

"why are you poking me?" gerard sleepiy asked.

"I woke up and i was bored" i said

"can you stop poking me now" he asked

"fine penguin boy"

"Penguin boy?"

"Yes because you are going to walk like a penguin"

"Whatever but seriously stop poking me"

"But its fun and you can't stop me"

"want a bet on that"

Gerard pushed me onto my back and straddeled my hips and pinned my arms above my head. He lent down and whispered in my ear. "Told you"

"Well i rather like this position"

"So do i, getting a bit excited frankie?"

I looked down to see i was getting hard. "Shuddup" i said kissing his lips.

"Lets go get coffee, to starbucks" gerard said climbing off me.

"Okay lets shower first tho"

-At strabucks-

"Look there's mikey and ray, i want to ask them about what they were doing last night" gerard said as we walked over the the booth they occupied.

"Hey guys" we said as they looked at us.

"Uhh hey" they replied.

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