And they found you on the bathroom floor

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Franks POV

-1month later-

I woke up and ran to the toilet, fuck you morning sickness. I threw up a few times before trying to stand. As i stood up i felt the worse pain in my gut cramps i collapsed the floor. Fuck, this really hurts so fucking much. I screamed in agony, gerard came running into the bathroom.

"frank whats wrong?" gerard asked frantically.

"Cramps, really bad cramps" was all i could say

"C'mon we'll go to the hospital, i'm sure they'll have some pills for your cramps"

Gerard had to carry me to the car since my cramps were so agonizing, we arrived at the hospital and asked for the same doctor as last time.

"hey doctor, is there any kind of medication you can give frank to help him cope with the pain he's experiencing" gerard asked the doctor.

"There sure is, just wait here and i'll go get them" 

The doctor came back a few mintues later with the pills, "wow frank your getting big do you want me to run a few tests just to make sure the babies are okay?"

"Yes please" i replied

The doctor ran a few tests including an ultrasound, while he did the ultrasound he gasped.

"what's wrong?!" i asked

"It seems that you are now carrying 4 babies instead of 2 and i'm sorry to inform you that one of the babies has unfortunately passed away. We will need to remove it so it doesn't stunt the growth of the others"

I couldn't hold back the tears i was bawling, one of your babies was dead, i looked over at gerard he was sobbing head in his hands

-After operation, next day at home-

I just sat on the bed under the covers crying. I just couldn't come to terms with the fact that one of my babies was dead it was just to much to handle. What if another one dies? the thought makes me shudder. I looked down at my non tattooed wrist, the pink scars visible on my pale arm. The idea was tempting a few more wouldn't hurt right? Just releave me of the pain for a little while at least. I stood up and walked to the bathroom, i took the a razor blade out of my shaver.

"we meet again old friend" i said to myself.

I held the razor to my wrist and cut. 1 2 3 4 i counted the new cuts on my arm. So long for now i thought hiding the razor blade. I washed the blood from my arm and put on a baggy jumper to my cover my cuts, i think it was gerard's. Gerard was still asleep when i came out of the bathroom. I went into the kitchen and made coffee i looked in the cupboards in search of food and found bread. toast it is i thought. As i was putting the bread in the toaster i felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Morning sugar" gerard whispered in his husky morning voice

"morning gee" I said taking a sip of my coffee and scoffing down my toast. "Lets go for a walk" i said after i finished my coffee.

"Okay, i'll just go change"

We walked past the park and i started crossing the road, gerard had already crossed being able to walk faster since he wasn't pregnant and short. I wasn't fully paying attention hence the reason i didn't see the car.

"FRANK!!" was the last thing i heard before darkness over took me.

Gerards POV

Time felt like it was in slow motion. Frank didn't see the speeding car. I was currently sitting on a uncomfortable plastic hospital chair, here i was in the hospital unsure if frank was okay and i'm complaining about a chair. Fucking hell gerard the chair should be the least of your fucking worries. A young nurse probably in her early 20s with long chocolate brown hair came up to me.

"Mr Way?" she asked

"Yes" i said looking up at her with puffy red eyes.

"Your fiance has lost the rest of the babies i'm sorry for your lost. He is currently being operated on to remove the dead fetuses and fix his injuries"

As soon as the words left her mouth i lost it. I broke down in uncontrolable sobs. My babies were all dead.

-2 days later-

Frank and i went home, the doctors had told him the news. He hasn;t said a word to me all day. We got home and he went straight to the bedroom i didn't follow him. Instead i curled up on the couch and cried silently until i fell asleep.

Franks POV

I had lost all my babies. I felt like someone had ripped out my heart out and put it in a blender. Devestated was an understatement i wanted to end it and thats what i planned to do. I grabbed a pen and piece of paper and wrote gerard a note. I reached under the bed and found it, the box holding my gun. Don't ask why i had a gun truth is i don't even know why i had it. I went into the bathroom and found my razor. I cut and cut until my arms were completely covered in blood.

"Goodbye Gerard, goodbye cruel world" i said to myself before putting the gun to my head.

Gerards POV

BANG i heard what sounded like a gunshot.. No it couldn't be. I ran to the bathroom and found a lifeless frank covered in blood with a gun in hand.

"NOOOO" i yelled and started to weep.

I held the lifeless frank in my arms and continued to weep. After a while the tears stopped i had no more tears to shed. One song came to mind Cemetary drive.

and they found you on the bathroom floor

I stood up covered in blood and found a note. It read;

Dear Gerard

By the time you read this i will be dead. I'm so sorry i just couldn't handle it anymore. Lossing the rest of the babies was the tipping point for me. Once again i'm sorry and i love you forever and always. Stay strong gee.

Love Frank

I can't be strong frank i just can't i tooked the gun from frank hand and held into the front my head right infront of my eyes.

Isn't it so much fun staring down a loaded gun

I pulled the trigger BANG 

A/N The end! thanks so much to all the readers and i'm sorry but i just had to end it this way 

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