Kisses on stage and off

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A/N Hey so this is my first mcr and first frerard fanfic, please dont hate. Also i'm going to change their ages. Gerard 25, Ray 25, Mikey 22 and Frank 21. Also gerard and frank are just dating lindsey and jamia. Also this is during the Revenge era, but they haven't met bob.

Franks POV

I walked backstage after the concert in New York to get a drink, that was an amazing show i thought.

-Flashback (on stage)-

We we playing I'm not okay, i was about to say 'Trust me' when Gerard came up to me and kissed me on the lips, he ran his fingers through my hair. I loved these moments on stage. Gerard went back to singing, these moments mean so much to me, if you haven't already figured it out i'm in love with Gerard but i'm straight, he is the only guy i have ever loved and i have Jamia and he has Lindsey.

-End of Flashback still Franks POV-

As i was getting a drink gerard walked past me and slapped my ass and winked at me. I could feel myself turning red in the face so i quickly looked down hoping gerard wouldn't notice but he did.

Gerards POV

"Aww frankie, did i make you blush?" i asked with my signature smirk. 

"Pfft, In your dreams" he replied.

"If only you knew" i mumbled to myself thinking frank wouldn't hear me.

"What was that?" he asked with a puzzled expression.

"Nothing" i said a little to quickly and with that i walked away.

Arghhh! why did i say that, i should of just told him my true feelings. Yes i Gerard way was inlove with Frank iero and he would soon know. I walked back to the tour bus and sat on the couch i'll just wait until frank gets gets back and then i can tell him. Mikey and Ray soon walked in, they said goodnight and went to bed, soon after frank came in.

"Frank can i talk to you, please?"

"Sure, what is it Gee?" he asked.

I walked up to him inches from his face, my eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips and back again. I leaned in and kissed him, i put my hand on his back pushing him into me closing the distance between us.

How is my first chapter?

-Doomed Knight

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