Euphoria and names

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A/N this chapter is dedicated to LethalFire for giving me an awesome idea for this chapter and a few awesome ideas in previous chapters and thankyou to a the readers 600+ reads :D

Franks POV

I'm pregnant. With twins. How the fuck am i going to explain this to gerard. I have to tell him soon, surely he will notice my stomach and morning sickness. I think he has noticed but just hasn't said anything.

Gerards POV

frank has been gaining weight. I think he is stressed and depressed because you can gain weight from stress. Its weird frank has been throwing up a lot in the mornings just like pregnant women do. But frank can't be pregnant, guys don't get pregnant. I walked into the livingroom just as the door opened.

"Gerard sit down" frank commaned 

"Okay... what is it?" i asked

"Well i don't know exactly how to tell you this, but... i'm pregnant" frank said

"Is this some kind of sick joke?!" i yelled

"No, i'm pregnant" he said handing me an ultrasound picture.

I just stared at the picture, i stood up and walked out the door. Well more like ran. I ran out the door and to the park. I walked over to a big oak tree and cried. I don't know why i cried it wasn't like i was sad i was going to be a father for fucks sake. It was just overwhelming. Frank must be feeling a lot worse. I wanted to go back to the house and comfort him i really did but i just couldn't go back. Not now later once i figure everything out. The one thing that stumped me the most is how the flying pig fuck can he get pregnant. He's a guy, guys don't get pregnant they just can't. Or so i thought. It started getting dark, i should probably go home now. I walked back home and heard a faint sobbing coming from the bathroom.

"Frank" i said as i knocked on the bathroom door.

"G-gee is th-that you" frank sobbed

"Yes, can i come in?" i asked

The door unlocked and frank stood in front of me eyeliner smudged and puffy red eyes.

"I'm sorry gerard"

"No i'm sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for, i'm sorry for my abrupt departure i just couldn't handle it" i said hugging frank tight.

"I'm sorry too" frank said pulling away from the hug

"Frank your arm... its bleeding"

"I-I'm s-sorry, i thought y-you wo-would leave me a-and th-the b-babies" frank cried

"I am never going to leave you, now give me your arm"

1 2 3 4 5 i counted the cuts on franks non tattooed wrist. I disinfected the cuts and wrapped a gauze bandage around is wrist. I sat on the ground next to frank after putting the first aid away and pulled frank onto my lap. I put my hands on my pregnant boyfriends stomach and kissed his cheek. Boyfriend. That needs to change and i know the perfect way to do it aswell. Curiosity go the better of me and i asked the questions that i'd been dying to know the answers to.

"Frank, if we got married would you take my name?" i asked

"No, i would hyphen it so it would be Iero-Way, why?"

"No reason just curious"


"Also how is it uhh" i started

"Possible for me to be pregnant" he finished of my sentence


frank then began to tell me all the stuff the doctor told him.

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