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Gerards POV

His apartment!

"Guys" i said

MIkey and ray looked at me as if saying go on .

"I think i know where frank is"

I had already explained franks' nightmares to them but i haven't told them about the voices. They would think i'm crazy, hell i think i'm crazy.

"I think he was taken to his apartment"

"Bye jamia?" ray asked.

I nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for? lets go and rescue him" mikey said.

We all got into mikey's car and he sped off to frank's apartment luckily he didn't get pulled over for speeding. As soon as we got there i ran up the stairs three at a time surprisingly i didn't fall, mikey and ray weren't far behind.

"Uhh are we going to break down the door or something?" ray asked.

"No, i'll lock pick it" mikey answered.

"You can lock pick" ray and i both said in shock

Mikey just nodded and began picking the lock. We burst inand followed the sound of frank's voice.

"Get the fuck away from me" i heard frank say, well more like yell.

We ran into frank's old bedroom just as jamia stabbed frank in the thigh.

"Oww you fucking bitch" frank yelled and started to cry from the imense pain.

Jamia turned around obviously hearing us gasp and the door opening.

"so nice of you to join us" jamia smiled a physcopathic smile, " i was just punishing dear frank here"

"Get away from frank, NOW"

"Or what?"

"we'll call the police"

"They won't get here in time" jamia said as ray pulled out his phone about to call 911.

"You call 911 and i will satb my knife into frank, again"

"You wouldn't"

"Your right, i guess i will just have to stab you"

Jamia lunged at me and stabbed me in the stomach. Ray quickly dialed 911.

"NOOO!" frank screamed.

Ray quickly restrained jamia, mikey ran over to frank and untied him with a bit of difficulty.

"Damn, jamia can really tie a knot" mikey said fustrated. That was the last thing i heard before passing out.

Franks POV

I tried to walk after mikey untied me. I got up and fell to the ground howling in pain becuase of the stab wound in my leg. The police arrived and shot jamia, she was dead. SHe had refused to drop he weapon infact she tried to stab one of the police officers. The ambulances arrived shortly after the police and rushed gerard and i to the hospital.

-At hospital-

After the nurses fixed my leg i hobbled to gerars room. I could walk but it still hurt. When i got to gerards room he was awake and had a huge gauze wrapped around his stomach. I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"how you feeling? i asked

"Like shit, my stomach hurts" gerard replied

"Where are mikey and ray?"

"getting coffee"

"does ray know about us?"

"Yeah, i told him the day after i told mikey"

I nodded and held gerards hand.

"What happened to jamia, i passed out before the police arrived"

"The police shot her" i said as i explained the events of today.

"Well atleast she can't hurt us anymore"

I nodded and kissed his lips, " i'm so glad your alright" i said

"I'm glad we found you when we did, but are you alright after all she kidnapped you and raped you"

"No i'm not alright, it will just take time"

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