You've got some explaining to do my good sir

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A/N contains slight rikey

Gerards POV

"I think you both have a lot of explaining to do, you both have girlfriends" i said 

"Christa broke up with me" ray said

"So you guys weren't drunk?" i asked

"Nope like we said last night, i told alicia that i loved ray and she broke up with me" mikey replied.

"The reason christa broke up with me was she saw me and mikey making out" ray explained.

"Rikey" frank said

"What?" we all said at the same time

"Its a combonation of your names, like me and gerard would be frerard" frank stated.

"Okay well i'm happy for you guys" i said

"Same here" frank said

"Lets go to the arcade" mikey suggested

"Yay" frank giggled.

We all got up and left starbucks, frank giggling like a mad man.

"Whats so funny frankie?" i asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Look at how mikey is walking"

"What do y--" i started to say as i looked up at mikey's walking, "Oh my god, hey mikey have fun last night" i teased

"I could say the same to you" he smirked.

"Hehe the penguin ways" frank and ray said.

"Shut up" mikey said.

"OHMYGOD, look over there its my chemical romance!" i heard a girl say

"Oh great fangirls" i said sarcastically i was not in the mood for them.

"Look gerard and frank are holding hands so are mikey and ray"

"Can we get your autographs and it frerard and frikey real?"

"Yes yes and yes" we all said

"Thanks so much"

We got to the arcade and frank went straight to the candy claw machines while ray and mikey and ray went to the 4D zombie shooting game. I on the other hand went to the soft toy claw machines.

"Rayyy" mikey whined

"What?" ray asked

"Carry me, please?"

"Sure, hop on my back" ray said bending over

"Hehe, rays' bending over to take it up the ass" frank said giggling

"Shut up shorty" ray said

"Bye ray mikey" frank and i said


-Next Day-

Franks POV

i woke up feeling like shit, i started to feel like i was going to throw up i ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

"Frank, whats wrong?" gerard asked walking into the bathroom.

"I feel like shit" i told him. Gerard started rubbing circles on my back trying to sooth me. I stood up and washed my mouth out with water.

"I'm going to make us some coffee" gerard said and walked away.

I nodded.I looked up at my reflection in the mirror, my stomach looked bigger its getting pudgy.

"Frank coffee's ready" i heard gerard call

I just stood there staring at my stomach.

"Frank, is everything okay?" gerard asked walking unto the bathroom

"Get out of the bathroom, NOW!" i yelled pushing him out and locking the door.

"Frank let me in" gerard said through the door

"No i-i c-can't" i replied my voice shaking

Gerard won't want me if i'm fat i thought. I leaned over the toilet and stuck two fingers down my throat. I did this a few times before looking into the mirror. My stomach was still fat.

"FUCK!" i yelled

"Frank c'mon let me in"



"Because i'm fat and you'll leave me" i whispered to more to myself then to him.

"Frank your not fat and i'll never leave you, i love you frank"

Oh shit he heard me.

"Please let me in"


i unlocked the door and gerard came rushing in, "frank you made me so worried"

"Sorry gee"

"Come here" gerard said pulling me into a hug. I cried into gerards chest. 

"Want to go back to bed?"

i nodded. We got into bed and i cuddled into his side and he put his arm around me pulling me closer so there was no gap between us.

"I love you gee"

"Iove you to frankie"

-2 months later-

Franks POV

Over these past weeks my stomach has gotten even bigger, it's like i'm pregnant or something. BUt guys can't get pregnant right? i think gerard has noticed my weight gain aswell maybe i should go to the doctors or something.

"gerard i'm going for a walk" i said putting on one of his hoodies to cover my bulging belly.

"Okay sugar" gerard said kissing me on the forehead.

I walked outside but i didn't go for a walk i went to the hospital. I had already made an appointment, my doctor was talking to one of the nurses waiting for me.

"Mr Iero" the doctor asked

"Yeah thats me" i said

"Okay follow me" he said leading me into a room.

"Doctor, is it possible for a guy to get pregnant?"

"Yes but it's very very rare and if a male does get pregnant they usually have more than one baby and their hormones change slighty but change back after birth.

"Ok well i think i'm pregnant" i said showing him my stomach

"well, just lie down on the bed and i'll run a few tests"

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