I love you forever and always and starbucks

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A/N sorry for not updating sooner but because i keep getting nagged im updating now.

Gerards POV

Jamia is back and i think she is determined to get frank back. I looked over at frank, he was looking sickly pale like he had seen a ghost.

"Frankie, are you feeling okay?" i asked 

"No i have a bad feeling about something, i think jamia's going to try and brake us up"

"hmm, she did look determined to get you back" i replied, "but nothing she can do will break us up, i love you to much to lose you."

"You love me?"

"I love you frank, forever and always" i kissed him on the lips.

"I love you to" frank replied as he pulled away from the kiss.

We went back into the livingroom, i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"hello" i answered the phone not bothering to check the caller I.D

"Gerard! listen before you hang up on me hear me out. I know we left on bad terms but i want to see you again and maybe we could be friends?" lindsey's voice came through the other end of the phone.

"Um sure, want to meet at starbucks at 4?"

"Yep, sounds good bye" she ended the call.

"Who was that?" frank asked.

"It was lindsey, she wants to be friends i;m meeting her at starbucks at 4" i told him, " are you going to be okat while i'm gone?"

"Yeah i'll be fine" he replied.

"Okay well i've got to go, i love you" i replied and gave him a quick kiss.

"I love you, forever and always gee"

I got in my car and started the drive to starbucks.

-At starbucks-

I ordered my usual coffee and searched through the booths looking for lindsey. I spotted her and walked over.

"Hey Lindsey"

"Hey Gerard"

I sat down across from her and started drinking my delicious coffee.

"Gerard, can i ask you something?

"Yes, what is it?"

"Are you 100% sure your in-love with frank, is there any chance that we could be together again" she asked with a look of hope in her eyes.

"I'm completely in-love with frank and there is no chance of us getting back together."

"O-Okay, well do you think we could start over? as friends"


"well i'm sorry but i've got to go, i have band pratice it was good seeing you again"

"yea you to, bye"

We got up and went our seperate ways.

A/N So lindsey is back and Jamia seems determined to get frank back. Well the next update will be thursday :)

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