Covering up for the quiet cold guy

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{ your POV }

I was running late on school. I was on a boarding school and i was still in my room getting ready.

It was a 10 minute walk to the school that went along with our sleeping places. It was a school for people who where rich. And I couldn't fuck this up because of what my dad had to do to get me here.

Quickly stumbling out i ran off. I had to pass a small park as I avoided bumping into children. Finally arriving at the building i tried to open the door but it was locked already.

Cursing under my breath i ran to the back of the building but fell onto someone. The person groans as I slowly opened my eyes.

Seeing jungkook. The quiet cold guy. I widen my eyes and quickly got up as he followed.

"I'm so sorry" I mumbled and looked away but i saw a cigarette on the floor. He looked at what i was staring and gulped. He picked it up and walked away.

I kept staring before walking into school. Going to the front they glared.


"Overslept" i mumbled

"How did you got in?" She frowns

"The back door was open" i gulped. She sighs and nodded

"Go to your class" she handed me a paper as i left to class. Knocking onto the door i heard a 'yes' as i entered

"Sorry" i mumbled and handed the paper and sat down following along. But i soon drifted off in my thoughts.

'Would jungkook smoke?' I thought and frown 'he seemed nervous' i continued thinking 'maybe it's not from him?'

"Jin-a!" I heard the teacher yell as i flinched looking up, seeing all the eyes on me "if you're not interested you can leave my class immediately"

"Sorry miss" i apologised and looked down. She sighs and went on with her class.


Standing at my locker staring into the small mirror in it fixing my hair and applying lipgloss.

"Jin-a?" I heard a deep voice and turned around seeing jungkook "i want you to forget what you saw" he spoke coldly i gulped and nodded.

But before i could talk telling him i will shut up he walked off. Seeing people stare, as they where a bit shocked he talked but all I thought was

'So it was from him?'

Smoking was against the rules. So I understand he would ask me to say nothing. I just question why he would smoke.

Shrugging my thoughts off i closed my locker being met with mia. The girl who talks behind everyone's back. I flinched and looked at her

"What did Jungkook say" she smiled

"U-uhm something about class" i lied and smiled "yep about class"

"Boring" she rolled her eyes and left. I sigh and walked off.


It was lunch time as i sat in the canteen minding my own business. Hearing a bell ring i looked up seeing the principal.

"Good. Attention please" he spoke as everyone eyed him and fell quiet. "We got to hear someone is smoking in here what is against the rules. Whoever it is come to my office later today." I widen my eyes and looked at jungkook who was glaring at me.

I gulped and looked back at the principal. He made us continue eating and left. Seeing jungkook leave quickly as i bit my lip.

"Shit" I whispered and got up. Trying to follow him but he was to fast so i lost him. "Where could he be" I whispered "got it" as i ran to the back door stepping out seeing him sitting along a tree.

"Happy?" He spoke.

"I swear I didn't-"

"Of course" he spoke and blew out a cloud of smoke. "You're the only one who knows jin-a"

"I swear jungkook I didn't say anything! I promise." I shook my head.

"I can't believe you jin-a" he spoke and chuckled


"Just shut up. You won't be able to talk yourself good anymore." He spoke. And left. I gulped and saw him walk off.



I fell down the whole day. Looking down at my feet while walking through the halls i sigh. I just wanted him to believe me.

"Hey jin-a" lea smiled

"Oh hi lea"

"I had to go ask around if you know the one who smokes"

"No I don't" she nodded and wanted to walk of but i grabbed her wrist.

"How do they actually know that someone is smoking?"

"Oh someone found a cigarette butt behind the school." She smiled "i think it was mark who found it" i sigh and nodded. She frowns and left

All I gotta do now is make sure jungkook believes me.


It was the end of the day as i followed Jungkook. Making sure he didn't saw me and others either i saw him going to the rooftop.

I followed walking up the stairs i pushed open the door hearing him sigh

"Done following me?"

"Wha- how did you know?"

"You're not as sneaky as you think you are. What do you want"

"I just want you to believe me jungkook" i whined "I promise I didn't say anything"

"Then who was it jin-a?! You're the only one who know!" He spat turning to me. "I can't believe you jin-a!"

"Why not?!" I yelled back as he gulped.

"Don't worry" he turned back around and sigh.

"Jungkook, mark found a cigarette butt. It wasn't me" i spoke softly "I promise" he sighs and sat down.

"You sure?"

"I swear, lea told me. I didn't say anything jungkook" i walked to him sitting down.

"Fine." He whispered. Seeing his tensed body i grabbed his hand and played with his finger feeling him calm down.

"Why do you actually smoke" i asked softly focused on his hand. Following the veins with my fingers.

"Makes me feel relaxed"

"Why do you have to relax"

"So many questions"

"There where only 2" i pout. He chuckled and sighs.

"You don't need to worry. Just some stuff with my dad. Nothing horrible" i nodded and smiled.

"You know. You're pretty cold"

"Does it bother you"

"Yes! Because i just know you're nice" he chuckled and ruffled my hair. I giggled and sigh.

"You don't need to care jin-a"

"To late" i grin looking up at him as he stared at me. I bit my lip nervously at his intense stare.

He touched my lip and slowly leaned in. Pressing his lips to mine. Smiling into the kiss until we both flinched.

Seeing mia.

Both our eyes widen at what she yelled before she ran off knowing we will be the highlight of the school


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