Friends with benefits {pt1}

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{ your POV }

Walking inside school i was running late. Seeing my group of best friends. Who where also my house mates.

"Yah! Why didn't any of you wake me!" I ran to them.

"You where sleeping so cute. We didn't want to ruin your precious sleep" taehyung smiled

"Cute? She looked like a pig" jin scrunched his nose

"Aish! I hate you" i puffed out and pulled open my locker, grabbing my books.

"Hi guys" i heard a annoying voice

"Lana" we all spoke in a monotone at the same time.

"So boys, plans tonight"

"No actually not n-" jimin started but jungkook broke him quickly off

"ACTUALLY! We do" jungkook spoke

"Y'all make plans without me?" Jimin frowns. As i sigh

"We're going to dinner, remember" namjoon spoke, trying to make him understand to play along

"With who?" Hoseok frowns as well

"With our angel" yoongi pulled me close "right! Oh no! Lana we have a test, bye!" As he pulled me along as the rest followed

"Yah! What was all that" Hoseok spoke

"Why the fuck would you want to meet up with lana" namjoon spoke "all she wants is to be in our pants. Now leave to your classes" namjoon spoke and walked off.

" I understand" jimin spoke

"Aish you're so slow" taehyung sighs and pulled taehyung along.

"Let's go, we can't be late" jin spoke to the others as we all separated ways. Me and jungkook also in the same class

"So, any idea what we should do tonight?" He asked me as we took pur seats

"Having dinner didn't sound like a wrong idea." I said.

"Well we should actually go then. There a new restaurant opening. For korean barbecue. We can go there?" He looked at me

"Ahhh! Yes! It's been so long since i had barbecue." As my mouth started watering. Jungkook laughed and sighs.

"That's the plan then. I'll text the guys" as he texted them while i got my papers ready for class.


Sitting at the restaurant we all where laughing and joking around with each other.

Having some drink with delicious food jungkook suddenly walked outside making us frown.

"Where is he going?" Jimin frowns

"I'll go see" as i walked outside. Seeing him leaning against the wall.

"Jungkook?" I spoke as he looked up from his phone "what's wrong?"

"Taking some fresh air. It's pretty warm inside" he smiled as i nodded

"It's cold outside as well. Don't stay here to long or you may get sick" he nodded as i left back inside


{ jk POV }

Seeing her walking back inside i gulped and leaned my head back.

"God damn jeon. What's your problem lately" i mumbled under my breath.

Whenever i looked at jin-a my body heated up. Making my junior down there hard.

Idk why it was. But god damn how bad i wanted her.

I did shared a bed before with a girl. Who was my girlfriend at that moment. But what jin-a does to my body. Damn

I didn't even know a body could react like that to someone


Laying in bed a knock was heard. I hummed as my eyes where closed i heard namjoon his voice

"You good? You've been quiet since dinner." He spoke and sat onto my bed

"I'm fine namjoon. Just really tired" i mumbled

"You're sweating you sure you good" he asked, hearing him getting up and opening my window.

He was about to remove my blanket bet i held it.

"I'm fine. Can you please leave" he sighs and nodded

"Stay home tomorrow if you don't feel good mhm" i nodded as he left my room. I sigh and up, closing the window.

Looking down at my junior i sigh. Cursing to myself for imagining stuff. Suddenly my door slammed open. Quickly grabbing a pillow to cover up.

"Can't you knock" i stared in chock at Taehyung

"Yah what's up with you. Get down we're playing some games." I sigh and nodded and made him leave.

Pulling on a grew hoodie that matched my grey sweatpants i left downstairs .


{ your POV }

Seeing jungkook walk down we all smiled at him. Noticing him sitting down uncontrollably with a pillow on his lap.

Shrugging it off we all started drinking and playing some games


Walking to the bathroom, keeping myself up along the wall i slammed open the door. Closing it behind me again

"Oh my god" i mumbled and turned around

"Fuck jin-a. Learn how to knock" i saw jungkook.

"I'm so sorry" i mumbled leaning my head against the door. It was quiet for some time as i looked back seeing him awkwardly leaning against the sink.

"Jungkook-ah" i whispered, he frowns and sighs "what's wrong with you lately" i walked to him.

"Nothing, I'm fine little one. Please knock next time" he stared with dark eyes at me. Gulping i nodded. "Now let's pretend you didn't see anything"

"It's pretty difficult to get the view of you jerking off out of my head" i spoke quietly.

He touched my bottom lip and leaned close to me, feeling his breath on my lips making me gulp

"Just keep quiet about it mhm" he spoke with a deep voice. I nodded as he smirked before leaving.

Taking in a deep breath i looked back at the closed door after he left.

"Fuck jungkook"

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