Doctor {21+}

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{WARNING: this imagine contains matured content. If not comfortable then skip this part.}

{ your POV }

Running down the stairs i walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. Sipping it i saw my mom enter as my dad was working at the dining table

"You have to go to the hospital to meet your doctor Saturday. I made you a appointment"

"What? A appointment for what?" I frown as it was really sudden

"You need a check up for your breast and bottoms."

"Ew, no" i shook my head in disgust

"It's a normal this dear. Now that you're 19 you should start doing so. It's a simple check up. Nothing more."

"But my doctor is also your friend. Jia will see my body mom"

"Ah it's her work sweetheart. Don't make a problem out of it. Every woman has to do this."

"Then I'll be a man from now on"

"You think a man doesn't need a check up" she chuckled i groan and rolled my head back

"In my next life I'll be a rock. What time do i have to go?"

"At 2pm make sure to be on time"

"Yeah yeah" as i walked off.


Sitting into the doctors office i sigh. Totally not wanting to do this. It was all quiet as the door opened seeing a man walk in, what confused me.

All I thought was that he probably needed something. But no he sat down and started talking

"Jin-a, right?" He asked. Not gonna lie, he was hot. But if he is going to do this i want to die right now.

"Yes." I nodded

"Good. Then we should start the check up." I gulped at his words and sigh. Asking the question that was stuck into my head

"Isn't jia coming. She is my doctor"

"She fell sick last minute and asked me to jump in." He gave a warm smile "i know it might be awkward for you. As i guess this is your first time having a check up?" As i nodded

"As I thought so. But don't worry. It's my job. It's not something I haven't seen before. Now please take a seat over there"

I sigh and put my thoughts away. Just trying to ignore the fact that this man will see my bare body. And I don't even know his name.

"Good. If you wanna pull your shirt and bra off please" he said and looked at some papers and got some tools. But they looked scary.

"What's your name doctor" i asked

"Jeon jungkook." He gave a smile as i nodded slowly. I swear i hate my mom for doing this to me.

Slowly pulling my shirt and bra of I awkwardly laid there as he walked up to me. Definitely not looking at him he did his work.

"Good, since it's your first time I'm going to tell you what I'll do. Basically I'm just going to feel if there isn't anything that isn't right."

"What could there possibly be?" I asked quietly

"Some people come for a check up and we find a smal bulge around the breast area. And sometimes this can be a form of cancer." I gulped and slowly nodded.

His hands got closer and felt around to see if there was anything that wasn't supposed to be there.

All i could say.

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