Phone call {21+}

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{WARNING: this imagine contains matured content. If not comfortable then skip this part.}

{Your pov}

"Don't forget to call me okay?" jungkook spoke

"I won't, i'll call you after dinner" i smiled and pecked his lips. He smiled and we both left home.

Me and jungkook where assigned to work together on a project. But since Jungkook's father was mad at him for his bad grades.

He wasn't allowed to go anywhere else besides school and his house. So for now, we had to call a lot to keep in touch after school.

His dad is a hard working business man, he's also really strict on jungkook. Wanting his son to have a good future and not fail his school.

I understand his father though. But i miss being with him.


Arriving home i kissed my mom her cheek and hugged my dad.

"How was school sweetheart" mom smiled

"Good, i got my results back from my math test. I got 17 on 20" i smiled

"My angel is so smart. We're proud of you" dad smiled. "What about jungkook? How are his grades?"

"It's going down again. He failed his math test and I don't know what his father will do"

"Ahh how come he's failing lately? He's such a smart boy" mom spoke worried as my parents really loved him.

"He's been struggling with studying, getting distracted quickly. His dad is making him study a lot so he gets stressed and tired"

"Ahh the poor boy" mom sighs "I'll make him lunch for tomorrow, to make his day a bit better" she smiled

"He would love that" i smiled "I'm trying to help him a lot now, studying together at school and over call"

"I see, you're so good for each other" dad smiled "now sit down, dinner is ready" i nodded as we ate.


"Baby" his voice filled my ears as i called him over FaceTime.

"Kook" i smiled "are you still studying?" I frown

"Yeah, I really can't fail my science test. Dad will kill me. He wasn't so happy about my math results" he sighs. "But uhm we should work on the project"

"The project can wait jungkook, you really need to rest, did you eat dinner already?"

"No, i wanted to finish this first" he looked at his hands

"Kook, health is more important than school" i sigh "please close your book and let's just talk."

"Fine" he sighs and closed his books making me smiled

"How is your mom doing?"

"Busy with work as well." He spoke until i saw his mom enter his room.

"Son? I got you some tea. Oh you're on the phone"

"It's jin-a. Don't worry. Thanks for the tea mom" jungkook smiled

"How is studying going? Oh? Why are your books closed"

"J-just uhm taking a short break"

"Ahh son, don't fail your test mhm, your dad really isn't happy. Now enjoy your tea and after look at it once more" she patted his head as she left.

"Is this really how it goes every day?" I asked as he nodded "until when do you study?"

"Midnight" he sighs "but it really isn't working out. I'm so stressed about it. I really wanna do good and make my parents proud. But the pressure they out on me isn't helping"

I really felt bad for him so I thought about a way to make him release some stress.

"Kook? Forget studying for now, let's make you release some stress"

"How? We're not together?" He frowns. I gulped but smiled after, slowly pulling my shirt off "babe....what are you doing" he whispered

"I wanna help you out. I know your way of releasing stress" i spoke and stared at him.

"Babe..." he whispered and his eyes looked at me through the camera. Slowly undressing myself "fuck" he groans and i saw him look down.

"You're making me hard babe" he mumbled

"That's the whole point idiot" i chuckled and laud back spreading my legs after positioning my phone on a good spot.

My full naked body seen, fully exposed to him. He groans and rolled back onto his desk chair. His shirt getting pulled off.

"How fast you can make me go crazy" he spoke "touch yourself princess" he spoke seeing him palming himself

My hand sliding down my body, meeting the part between my legs soon. Slowly rubbing the bundle of nerves making me breath hitch

"Kook" I whispered hearing him chuckle

"My baby is so sensitive" he spoke as the clicking sound from his belt filled my ears. Hearing the zipper getting pulled down.

Looking up i saw him naked, his hand slowly wrapping around his cock. Moving his hand up and down at a slow pace.

Each second that passed, pur movements got faster. Pumping my fingers into me quickly i moaned.

While Jungkook's hand moved quickly over his hard one, grunts leaving his mouth.

"You're so beautiful" he breathed out making me smiled and moan after.

"Kook, i want you so bad" i whined

"I want you too baby." He spoke out. "I'll make you feel once I'm with you" he added

Moaning. Louder as i felt my high coming, slamming my hand over my mouth so my parents wouldn't hear me.

As my house wasn't that big. But jungkook didn't had to worry about his parents hearing.

"You're close huh baby? Cum for me" he spoke, his deep voice filling my ears.

"Mhmm" i hummed out closed my eyes tightly, my legs starting to tremble. As soon my high washed over me.

Letting out whines and pulled my finger away from between my legs. Removing my hand from my mouth.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum" jungkook spoke rolling his head back. A loud grunt left his mouth, seeing white strings of cum covering his abs and chest.

"Fuck" he breathed out and laid back in his chair. Both of us laughed as we looked at each other. "Thank you baby"

"Glad i could help kook" i smiled at him. Grabbing my phone again and ran a bath for myself.

Sitting i to it i saw him also going in bath as we chat around.

"My mom will make you lunch for tomorrow" i spoke

"Really? I would love that. I live you moms cooking skill" he smiled. I chuckled and stared at him.

"I'm so glad i met you jungkook" i mumbled hearing him softly chuckled

"My cute little girl, so do i. I really got lucky with a angel like you" i blushed and smiled

"I love you kook"

"I love you too beautiful"

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