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{your POV}

Standing in front of the mirror, I caressed my big baby bump. A smile appearing on my face as in 1 month mines and jungkook's little baby will be born.


Me and Jungkook were expecting a son. We had been trying for years to create our own little human being, but each time we had no luck.

Until exactly 8 months ago Jungkook could confirm we were blessed and would be having our own baby.

Jungkook was a doctor. A gynaecologist to be specific. He would do all the check ups and made sure everything went good.


It was evening at the moment as I was waiting for Jungkook to arrive home. But I didn't had to wait long as soon the door opened.

"I'm home" he spoke out a bit louder. Walking out of the bathroom I walked up to him. "there's my beautiful wife" he smiled.

"welcome home" I chuckled "how was work?" I asked him

"lot's of pregnant woman over the floor today" he spoke "but out of all those woman I'm glad to see and hold my favourite one" he grins and kissed me softly "how are you doing mhm? And our little man?"

"we're doing great. I'll go work tomorrow for a couple of hours."

"be careful mhm? I don't want anything to happen to you both"

"I promise I will be. I made us some dinner, go freshen up now. So we can eat" he laughed and nodded as he left upstairs. While I set the table.


After having a cosy night together the morning hits soon again. I would go work until lunch time as I had to go meet Jungkook later on for a check up.

"morning jin-a" one of my colleagues spoke

"morning" I smiled

"how is it going?" she asked and walked over

"going good" I smiled

"anyway I'm glad to see you. We released a new book." She handed it "it sells really good"

"woah that's great, good work done" I complimented as she thanked me

"maybe we can go for lunch? To celebrate"

"a quick bite won't hurt, although I don't have much time. I have a check up this afternoon"

"I see, well let's go eat somewhere simple then, my treat" as she left.


After grabbing lunch I was at the hospital. Waiting for Jungkook, the door soon went open as he greeted his patient a good day. I smiled and got up as he closed the door

"baby" he smiled and gave me kiss "how was it this morning?"

"good, felt the little boy kick sometimes"

"ahh bothering his mommy at work huh" he smiled and helped me sit down. "you know what I love?"

"what is it" I looked at him

"because of my job we can enjoy this moments together alone." He giggled making me laugh

"you're right, I'm glad we can have this moment" I agreed "now lets look I can't wait"

"yes ma'am" he joked and got to work.


"ahh our son will be such a beautiful child" Jungkook spoke as we looked at the screen "here his little feet, oh and there is his little face"

"I can't wait to hold him" I spoke "I want to hear his heartbeat now" as Jungkook nodded, enjoying this wonderful moment together.


It's been some time now as me and Jungkook were casually talking in the kitchen. Until I had a contraction, a big one. Instantly grabbing onto his arms he held me

"everything okay baby? You think it's time?" as Jungkook knew he had to stay calm so everything would go smooth

"I think I'm good" I whispered and took in some deep breathes

"you sure?" as I nodded "let's lay you down for a bit mhm. I'll pack some stuff, so we can leave easily once the time is right" I nodded as I went to rest.


It was 3 in the morning as I could barely sleep. What also held Jungkook awake. Laying on the ed he leaned against the wall while drinking some coffee

"baby, I think we better go to the hospital now. Before it gets out of hand" Jungkook spoke

"Jungkook I'm fine" I whispered

"baby, you're crying from pain. You're sweating till death and both of us can't rest at all. We should go." And with a final thought I nodded as we left to the hospital out of safety, and now that I could still walk before crumbling down from pain.


Laying in the hospital bed someone came to check up on me from time to time as Jungkook tried to keep me calm.

But soon enough time went fast, as I was giving birth to our lovely son. Going through blook sweat and tears, the little cries from our son soon filled our ears.

Tears rolling down, as Jungkook got emotional too.

"you did it baby, you did it. I'm so proud of you" he whispered and kissed my head "thank you beautiful, thank you for placing our son on this earth"

"I love you kook"

"I love you too princess"


after all that happened we were finally home with our son, both of us staying home for the time being to take care of him.

While I was taking a nap on the couch, It didn't last long for Jungkook to wake me

"sorry to disturb your sleep baby, but doyun-ah is hungry and we're out of bottles" he spoke softly, I nodded still tired as I sat up.

Jungkook handed our baby as I fed him. Jungkook sitting close we both looked at him.

"he looks so much like you" I whispered "he's so adorable"

"although he has your beautiful eyes baby" he kissed my head. While the clueless baby was sucking away to get his milk. "thank you for all your hard work precious"

"I couldn't have done any of this without you kook" I looked at him "hank you for everything"

"I love you" he whispered and kissed me softly

"I love you too" I whispered back

As so on both our attention went back to our lovely son.

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