44 - john densmore

642 15 21

Requested by Beatlemaniac111112 ! There's absolutely no content for John, or the rest of The Doors for that matter, so I hope you enjoy!
The ever-present California sun was the perfect backdrop for your retreating form as you headed out of school at the end of the day. The sky was already painted in orangey-red hues, signaling the presence of nightfall soon. You couldn't help but be irritated at how long your professor's lecture dragged on for. Far too long for something as dull as calculus.

His disappointment in the class's scores on the previous test had made him enunciate certain skills and topics so that you could all get them right the second time. It probably wouldn't help you any, as you had been barely paying attention to a word. You were too busy checking the clock every few minutes, counting down the seconds until he released you and you could meet Ray in town. He had promised you an invite to The Doors' latest gig at the Whiskey a Go Go, more than happy to introduce you to the band that he talked so proudly about.

But instead of heading home to change before making it to the club, you were forced to go straight from college in your day clothes in order to make it on time. It wasn't the most ideal arrangement, especially when you were dressed in a rumpled shirt and baggy jeans. Still, you made an effort to finger-comb your hair on the trek downtown and thumb away the sleep from your eyes.

Ray likely wouldn't care how you showed up. You had been friends since childhood and inseparable ever since, apparently even when he made the move from Illinois to California. You stayed in close contact with each other, calling and writing on a daily basis until you were able to follow him across the States and attend a good school there. It was only recently when Ray began telling you of the band he'd formed out of the ashes of the old ones, comprised of four competent, enthusiastic musicians.

The Doors were the talk of the town since they played frequent shows at the Whiskey and you were dying to see what the fuss was all about. School had always gotten in the way until now, and you were happy to pass your homework on for another day in favor of seeing the group perform.

The stars were just beginning to glitter across the horizon when you arrived. You parked around the back of the place, recognizing Ray's car immediately. Under the dim lighting of a streetlamp, you popped open a few buttons of your shirt and fixed your hair one last time in the rearview mirror before hopping out. It looked like you just made it in time, or you were at least a few minutes late. You couldn't tell as you headed in the front door of the establishment, squeezing past patrons and making your way to the stage.

There, the band could be seen tuning up. Ray was too busy fiddling with the keys of his organ to hear you approach, but another man did. He was dark-haired and objectively very handsome, dilated blue eyes fixating on you instantly. You watched him walk towards you, leather pants creaking at how tightly they conformed to his legs and hips.

"New here?" He asked you, pushing away the wavy bangs that fell into his face as he knelt down to speak with you eye-to-eye.

You felt like he was studying your every move, waiting for you to make a mistake. That alone was enough for you to hesitate, thinking about your answer before you opened your mouth. All that came out was a tentative yes that was much more akin to a breath or a sigh. Seeing that you were nervous about his close proximity he backed off a few inches, but barely enough to give you space to breathe.

"C'mon, Jim, quit freaking out our audience." Another man came up, placing a hand on Jim's shoulder in order to slowly reel him away from you. He was a bit more welcoming in appearance, with soft blue eyes and a long face etched in sympathy. There was the barest, tiniest smile that quirked at his lips when he looked at you, enough to make you smile back.

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