30 - ray manzarek

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For Beatlesfan3299 ! I wasn't sure what you wanted, so I went for some fluff with a small side of angst. This imagine features a reader with depression and some vague mentioning of danger nights and that of the like. So if any of that triggers you, please be wary!
For days you had been laid up in bed without budging an inch. And for days, Ray had remained dutifully at your side. The winter months had always been the worst for you, draining your good mood into something sickly and sad. It was your Sick-Sad and it had been with you since you were born.

In your time together, Ray had helped you ride out many a storm and knew the sight of your rapidly worsening condition from first glance. Never once had Ray lost his patience with you, and he had always treated you with such gentleness and care. Like you were something worth saving. Something precious.

Of course, in the early days of your relationship, you hardly believed that Ray would be bothered to handle you on your Sick-Sad days. But he proved you wrong in all the best ways: making you breakfast in bed and providing a soft place for you to lay your head.

Today was no different. You sat propped up miserably in bed, cuddled up next to Ray. He had cracked open a book to read, giving you some semblance of peace as he stroked your hair. Ray always knew exactly what you needed and was always so generous in giving it to you.

Silence always helped you mull over your thoughts when you were feeling bad, but your head was buzzing. Pinpricks of static lit your brain aflame and each minute spent in the encompassing quiet were starting to get overwhelming.

Ray must have noticed that you were fidgeting because his book was ear-marked and put to the side. "Doing alright, Y/N?"

You sighed, rubbing the drowse from your eyes. "No. It's 1pm and I'm still in bed. In my pajamas."

You felt gross in the presence of Ray, who was at least dressed in an everyday shirt and sweats. His hair was immaculately combed whereas yours was full of tangles from lack of washing. Somehow, Ray never seemed disappointed by your appearance. He greeted you with the same loving kisses and warm welcomes as usual.

"That doesn't matter as long as you're comfortable," Ray said. His voice was low and soothing, draping over you like a blanket.

You desperately wanted to believe him, to be confident in what you felt you needed without letting your own thoughts judge you. Ray certainly wouldn't, with his soft blue eyes holding nothing but an abundance of affection. It seemed nothing you could do would change his view of you.

Despite all of this, your insecurity crept back in. "Well... maybe I should shower. Wash all this out. It's a bit bad to look at." You went to get up, your body groaning in protest.

Ray's eyebrows rose in surprise as he outstretched a hand, taking hold of your arm before you could disappear into the bathroom.

"You don't have to do this for me, Y/N. I'd love you in any form." As always, Ray was dead serious, finding your clammy hand and giving it a supportive squeeze. "But if this makes you feel better, by all means."

Though Ray's comfort was rather tempting, you'd still feel better facing him when your hair wasn't an absolute rat's nest. He let you go without a fight, offering a be careful underneath his breath like a prayer. You swore to yourself that your trip to the shower wouldn't need any intervention from Ray.

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