51 - jimi hendrix

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For tightenthereins ! Honestly, I'm too excited to do this one. Jimi is an under-appreciated musician on most of these sites.
Been away for so long I can barely picture you beside me. It's different in England – good and bad different. I'll have to show it to you sometime. Sometime when all of this is finally done.

I should be back in New York by November. October by the latest. We'll tour the city together. Remember that burger joint we ate at last time? Can't wait to be with you there, ketchup-face and all.

It feels like all of my songs have been dedicated to you lately. I have half a mind to pay for your ticket out here if I knew you'd be safe going. I can't promise I'd be at the airport and I don't want you wandering a strange city alone. Especially London.

I'm counting down the days here in our shitty flat. Will be seeing you again soon.

– Jimmy xxx

You traced over Jimi's scrawling script again and again with your finger, finally pressing the letter close to your heart as if, by some way of magic, you would be able to be closer to some part of his being. But you wanted to be extra careful with this paper, it was all you had of Jimi until he returned to your side.

He didn't send letters very often. You liked to think that Jimi was just busy. He was a popular musician after all! And England loved he and the Experience to death. Not very often would you allow yourself to contemplate the potential of drugs or drink being factors in this emotional distance. That wasn't the Jimi that you fell in love with.

Almost immediately, you set to work on your response to Jimi. You pretended that there wasn't a pile of balled up drafts sent straight to the trash bin because you couldn't work up the nerve to say all that you needed to say to Jimi. Since he had started this letter chain, you felt more confident in sending your own. It was a way of convincing yourself that you weren't bothering him.

It had grown far too lonely in your home without Jimi there. You were contented to see that Jimi missed you just as much. You wondered if he thought about you half as much as you thought of him. Did Jimi also manifest out-of-focus tendrils of your image for comfort? At least he didn't come across strands of your hair and be reduced to a mess of almost-tears.

God, you wished that you would have gone with him.

Jimi had insisted that you stay here. He had been so sure that you would be better off with a solid gig and steady pay than gallavanting off with him to Europe. That if he starved, you wouldn't have to. You knew that Jimi was talented enough to earn his fair share of money once he got over there and if not, he was smart enough to bullshit his way through a job.

You didn't want to admit that you were willing to starve as long as it was at Jimi's side.

Regardless, Jimi was firm in his decision. He left you adrift and alone in a city that you had just grown used to from your previous move. The only reason why you tolerated New York was because of Jimi. And now your driving force was gone and you were set sailing down an empty road with no energy to keep going.

You had no friends to lean on, as Jimi was your only confidant after this move. Most of your acquaintances at work wouldn't stay for very long while Jimi was around. He acted very protective of you, especially if there were other male influences in your life. You wouldn't be surprised if he sent them away himself.

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