52 - todd rundgren

504 17 22

Requested by the always amazing rutherford-squire ! I hope you enjoy, dear!
On the night of Todd's birthday, you had to drag him out of the house. He wasn't too keen on a big celebration, which is what he tried to explain to his over-eager friends and artists. It was no use. They were going to have a party regardless of what Todd thought about it, something he had remarked was probably more about the drinking than anything else.

With a lot of pleading and bargaining, you were able to persuade Todd to go. It was his birthday after all! And no matter the reason, his friends did want to spend time with him. None of this really mattered to Todd. He was too worried about spending the day with you. He was anticipating your own private little celebration.

Now, begrudgingly dressed up in flashy, psychedelic clothing, Todd was pouting at his reflection in the mirror. His long hair hadn't been combed properly in a halfhearted protest against attending the party. It fell in wavy tangles around his ears and cascaded across his brow at an awkward angle.

"It's only for a few hours," you said in a feeble attempt to console Todd. "I've never seen you so upset over a party before."

He picked restlessly at his shirt sleeve, gaze flicking restlessly from his own reflection to yours. "I thought it was just gonna be the two of us today, Y/N. That's the birthday I wanted."

You sighed, brushing the invisible dust off of your clothes and sliding closer to Todd. Done up in a patchwork of colorful fabrics and beads to complement Todd's outfit, you looked fit for a modern American Gothic standing there in the bathroom mirror together. You gently batted Todd's fingers away from a loose thread and interlocked his arm with your own.

"I know, love. And it still is gonna be us!" Todd was still frowning, so you were quick to add, "I also have a surprise for you when we get back!"

This caused Todd's eyes to light up in interest, turning to face your properly. "A surprise?"

Seeing how excited he was made you wish that you had waited to tell him. It would be too difficult to tell Todd no after he started staring at you with those sad blue eyes. Knowing you all too well, Todd was already starting up the act, inching closer to you and wrapping his wiry arms around your waist to anchor you in place.

"What is it?" Todd's question was a barely disguised order, though it was easy to be taken lightly with his perfect nose nuzzling your cheek. "Tell me."

It took everything in you not to break under this extreme pressure. You struggled to worm your way free of Todd's grasp, using an excuse to fix your hair one last time before leaving. Todd wasn't about to see you go so quickly and reeled you back in with a large palm outstretched along the small of your back.

"Todd," you scolded, a bubbling laugh sneaking through your words as he ran his long fingers up and down your sides. "I promise you'll get to see it. But after the party."

Todd heaved an overexaggerated huff of indignation at what he saw as Very Unfair Treatment and dropped his arms in defeat. Happily released from his clutches, you grinned at him, leaning over to give Todd a kiss. Grumbling something that wasn't entirely serious, he melted into you for a brief moment. It was one of the rare occasions that Todd expressed his emotions to you so clearly between each press of your lips and meld of your teeth and tongue.

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