9 - brian jones

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For warholsvelvet! I did a lot of researching to make sure he was portrayed accurately, so I hope you enjoy!
The setting sun reflected off of the window panes of the storefronts and flats, almost resembling specks of diamonds and gems along the edges of your vision. Each time you blinked, they would flicker and dance across your eyes.

It could have been the wine you had drank earlier with Brian, holed up in that posh restaurant that neither of you truly belonged in. He had proudly ordered the most expensive drinks in the house for you to share. Though you weren't sure if Brian was trying to impress you or the high-class clientele around, it was a generous offer nevertheless.

Tonight was supposed to be your anniversary. Of what, you couldn't remember. Your first date? Your first kiss? But it didn't seem to matter to you, not when Brian had asked you so sweetly, his voice low and shy, as if you'd suddenly changed your mind on him.

Maybe you should have. Maybe you should have refused and insisted upon a quiet night in rather than a childish show for the public to see and envy.

You were silent throughout the meal, as was Brian. He frustrated you. Always keeping you guessing at what his intentions might be. But whatever Brian had truly planned had gone sour, you could tell by the downturn of his lips, the bitter glint to his eyes.

The meal was completed in almost a somber fashion. You had given up, putting your utensils down on the plate in defeat, watching Brian pick at his nearly untouched food. You wanted to say something, ask a million questions at once, just beg Brian to tell you what he wanted from you.

But cowardice kept your lips sealed.

Once Brian paid, you left the restaurant arm-in-arm. A false affection, but one that would spare Brian from searching, invasive questions later on. You allowed him this, pretending not to notice when his grip on your arm tightened and became too painful.

This time when you looked over, you saw not frustration, but nervousness in Brian's eyes.

You were still walking down the street, elbows brushing every now and again. Otherwise, Brian did not touch you. He seemed as entranced as you were about the sun dipping beneath the horizon, leaving a path of gold in its wake. If you were on better terms, you would comment on how the light made Brian look ethereal. Otherworldly and gorgeous.

Brian had gone all out for the evening, greeting you with one of his more extravagant outfits. A white blazer and trousers embroidered with glittering blue and gray stitches. He wore a matching blue patterned blouse with swirls and pops of color that brought out his eyes. To top things off, Brian added a wide brim hat, perched atop his head of blond hair like a crown.

He was a beacon.

You stood aside with your plain attire, typical fancy dress for a nicer-than-usual date. Nothing that screamed originality. Nothing that proved you two were any more than acquaintances with vastly different personalities. Was that all you had become?

"You didn't like it." Brian had lost the confidence that he expressed in the restaurant.

His head was bowed against the oncoming breeze, hand going to catch his hat before it tumbled off of his head. The brim obstructed Brian's face, though you were able to make out the curve of his cheek sucked in by his teeth. Thinking.

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