41 - ray manzarek ²

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For helethia ! I absolutely love this idea, so please enjoy!
Ray had been acting off recently. You couldn't quite put your finger on the exact cause or what could be wrong in the first place, but it was something almost imperceptible to anyone else. Anyone else didn't know Ray as well as you did. They didn't know how recognize the ripples in Ray's aura turning into tidal waves.

Ray had always been quiet by nature. You had lived with him long enough to know that most of your days would pass by in near-silence, even if Ray was three feet away from you. So it was no suprise when Ray found himself with nothing to say to you over dinner. He fell silent again in bed and slept like a rock beside you, stiff and immovable to even the gentlest touch.

Even as morning broke out over the horizon, splashing its orange and gold hues across the bedroom, Ray still slept. His head was half buried under the pillows and still he breathed long and slow. You couldn't remember the last time Ray had slept this long. Distantly, you worried that this could be some kind of illness.

Did Ray catch a cold somewhere? He hadn't been acting sick recently. Just in case it was a cold, you rolled out of bed to make a pot of herbal tea for when Ray awoke. You left him with a barely-there kiss on his shoulder. Beneath the covers, Ray gave a groan, mumbling something that sounded a lot like your name. For a second, you thought Ray would get right up out of bed.

He didn't.

Once you boiled the tea, you waited in vain for Ray to join you in the kitchen. Minutes turned into an hour, and you sat picking at the meal meant for him. Deciding to bring the spread to Ray instead, you gathered up his mug and half a plate of toast and ventured back upstairs.

"Ray?" You called, padding into the bedroom.

Ray was still lying face down on the bed, snoring softly. You sighed, bringing the tea over to the nightstand for him. It would soon grow lukewarm and unpleasant if Ray didn't wake up soon. It was nearly 11 and you had a feeling that Ray wouldn't get up until much later in the day.

From your vantage point beside him, you could make out his bones and muscles, curved and taut as they stretched the fabric of his shirt. Ray's mop of brown hair was visibly damp with sweat and he seemed in the throes of a nightmare. You reached out your hand, stroking along his back to try and soothe him.

This had the opposite effect, as Ray began muttering nonsensical things. Most of the words didn't even sound like English. It was some garbled language that you couldn't understand. Ray kept getting louder and louder, practically shouting into his pillow until you decided to shake him awake.

"Ray!" You said, grabbing his shoulder and turning him over to face you.

Ray groaned, squinting his eyes at you. "Y/N?"

"God, Ray, are you alright?" You scooted closer, combing the errant bangs from his face. He noticeably leaned into your touch, finding comfort in the skin of your palms.

"Fine," he said hoarsely. Ray held your hand to his cheek for a little bit longer. "I can't see you that well. Y/N, I need to see you."

Ray looked like he was going into a miniature panic attack, even if he tried to keep it together for your sake. He was trembling all over, his grip tightening on your hand and forcing you to stay put. You didn't have any plans on moving.

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