45- 24 hour slave girl

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Harry was already home and was waiting for me .Surprisingly he dint complained that I was late

"You know what I want to talk about. Right? " He asked jumping right in

"no I am not " I sighed 

" seriously Kate you want to play that game you know what the topic is " 

" oh Harry off course I know the topic is  I just do not understand what you want to talk about "

" What do you mean ?" he asked sounding confused 

" Do you want to talk about George sending the sms or you ,not telling me about it days before when you found out about it or you forcing your minions and girlfriend to not make me aware about it ' I clarified 

"You found out about it soon after and you didn't tell me either" He replied

" Do you hear yourself. You know what we are done here . I already know what you want and it was not like I anyway have a choice to do something but do not worry Harry. I won't take any action Or tell about this to anyone. You can tell your friend /  brother George that he is safe "

' Kate we are not done talking yet"

" We don't talk Harry. We argue actually I do not have the liberty to argue. We both know how this process will end you will get angry and say something mean and  I will cry . I have a lot of work and dont really have time for crying

" Look Kate I understand what you have gone through"

" No you do not understand Harry. "

I thought Harry did understand but he didn't. I don't know if I had the right to be mad at him. He had made it very clear from the start that he don't think of me anything more than a slave



The next day G was mad that Kate dint wanted to take any action

"Kat what do you mean you don't want to take any action. George totally deserves it"

" G if she said she didn't want to do anything  why are you forcing her. Maybe even she knows she deserves it"

" Deserve it. What did I do? "

" I have a very good idea of what your buddy George deserve and I won't mind giving that to him " Issac  said grabbing Tyler's collar

" Issac leave him. I want to know. What I ever did to George  to deserve it "

" He was just trying to back Justin. You insulted him at the party " Tyler said pushing Issac's hand

" None of us think what he did was right or justified I never wanted this to happen to you Kate Ar.. Kate"Justin said

" Doesn't really feel like it when none of you mind hiding this from me . . Let's go Issac " She said pulling an angry Issac with her

I wanted to tell Kate I was on her side but she didn't even wanted to listen.


Kate's P. O. V

"Hey. Are you okay?. You know you should really complain about George"

" Issac I can't. Harry will-"I protested

"It's not about Harry. It's about you Davis. "

"I wish it was that simple. The thing is even if I want I can't complain. As a minor I am unable to you need your parents or guardian to lodge a complain and I know if Lily and Damien were here they would never support me  and I anyway have too much drama in my life to add more "

"You don't need to complain I can punish him in my way"

" No you will not "

" Why not he totally deserves it and you are my friend and what I am supposed to do just sit there and do nothing. "

"Issac I am fine really. It's not that big of deal "

"Shut up Davis. It is a big deal  "

I have never seen Isaac like this. He looked so cute but I was kind of scared that what will happen when he will know about Ray but seeing Issac reaction I was more  sure about my decision about being Ray's slave and more sure about keeping it a secret from Issac

I will give anything to go back to The old days but the only thing I won't change about my new drastically different and full dramatic life is Issac.



It has been a week since I have been Rays slave and I am super exhausted . He don't even think of me as a human being he treats me like a bitch and he will keep on treating me like that  . He is not going to make it easy for me

. My day start with working as a slave at Carter house then go to school after school I have to go to Rays place and be his slave. He is a monster. He make me clean his room his toilet . And if he find something wrong with my cleaning which he always  does he punishes me  which is  weird , he wants me to do nothing but stand in a corner like I am some kid, he even threatens me to slap , punch me, he even said he will beat me with his belt, i am scared that these are not just empty threats  

I really wanted to do this for Isaac but its not as easy as I thought and as of that is not enough he wants me to do all his assignment our subject our totally different. .

So after going back home and finishing my chores. I have to study for his assignment . I hardly get to sleep 1-2 hours in a day

I feel like my identity is changed to a 24 hour slave girl now.

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