46. Getting some of my life back

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Justin and me have to complete the chemistry project but I don't even want to be any were near Justin, I know that Harry told him to tell nothing to me but he agreed , just like G. Its not like I have the right to be  mad at him because we are not dating , we are not even friends he dint have to tell me anything and I don't tell him anything either,  but I still am 

I am mad at G also which she is well aware of , I again don't have the right to be mad at her after what I did but its not like I can help it , and I am not even trying to hide and its worse because they  have that guilty face, it would have been just so easier if they  were also angry at me

" You are ready to do this" Justin asked holding the plastic canister in one hand and baking powder in another

" yeah , lets  get it done with  "

we tried 5 times and each time got a better result . I was satisfied but Justin wanted to try a few times . He expected better result

"Its not a real rocket, its not going to get at Mars. we have enough for the experiment." I said  being frustrated   

"We have time " he replied, he was right, we have roughly half an hour before the class end.

"The more number of times we do it the more data we add, it will be harder to compile and we have to work a lot more to get at the end result" I justified my complete lack of desire to continue.

" Since, when are you afraid of hard work, I know we will have a large data but we can take sometime after school, maybe the weekend and finish it"

Let me see where I can fit it in my schedule as my timetable , managing the double slave shift hardly leaves me time to breathe. Of course I can not tell that to Justin

"Hello" he said bringing me back

" I don't have time after school to work on it " I replied

"Is it because I did not tell you about George , you still are-"

"NO, Justin, you dint have any obligation to tell me " I jumped in cutting him off. He honesly dint have anything to be sorry about.

"Look, I wanted to tell you and despite of what Harry said , I should have told you . I am really-"

"Justin it has nothing to do with whole George thing " i said cutting him off again

"okay, then why are you avoiding the experiment?"

"because, we have completed the experiment" I justified my lack of excitement to continue

"You and I both know we can do much better and it consist our final grade, "

" I am really busy"

"Doing what exactly, tell me about it. Kate Aryn and I will leave you alone''

we both stopped in awkwardness. He realized and I did too when he called me Kate Aryn

He coughed to clear the awkwardness and looked at me for answer

I didn't have an answer to tell Justin

"Davis", Isaac waved from across the field

"Now i get it, let see what best we can come up with in next class." he rolled his eyes and left picking up his bag

"Seriously Davis, I don't believe you, You are cheating on me with lover boy in the middle of the field. "Isaac said grinning

" we were just doing an experiment for chemistry class" I replied smiling

" Nerds! "

"Hey! " I looked at him accusingly and he chuckled

"It seems like we haven't spend any time lately , with the drama practice and all . How about we hang out tomorrow ? I can get off practice early "

"I cant " . .

"Your jailer cousin , wont let you"

I nodded I don't want to lie to Isaac. I do feel guilty lying to him , but I cant tell him that , No its just I have to go and get bullied by Ray so he wont sabotage your play

"Come on , have lunch with me then ".


Meanwhile, Its being difficult to deal with Ray . the 24 hours in a day were  being short for me , even if I skip everything  , sleeping, eating , I still cant do it all . For first time in my life I was lacking in school which is ironic because I am devoting more and more  time in studying, its just I am studying  more subjects  than anyone can expect , all these are adding to my stress , I have got panic attack 4-5 times . I am definitely not telling that to Harry, the pills doc. has recommended are helping but the amount I am  taking it will soon be out , I have to be careful

I will do anything for Issac that is humanly possible but  this I cant do , I want Isaac to go to college but I cannot  forget my dream , moms dream of me going to Harvard med school , I have given up so much  for this dream . So I with all  courage I have got have decided to tell Ray , I can be his slave but not do his schoolwork its not  humanly possible .

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